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It was raining heavily outside. I was listening to the pitter-patter of the rain drops with my eyes closed. The sound was like a relief to my heart. It soothed the deep pain my heart felt. Along with it, the aroma of rain drenched soil calmed my mind. Occasionally I stared absent-mindedly at the petals of the blooming red hibiscuses in my garden. I wondered if they were luckier than me.

"A..n..j..a..l..i.." my thoughts were broken at the call of my name. I didn't notice that my husband has entered into our room.

I got at my feet at once and ran towards him, although I wanted to hug him and convey my love to him, I could not do so. Expression of love is something which is done by couples and we were couples only in front of the society.

"Do you need something?", I asked handing him a glass of water.

"I need you Anjali", he said in a calm but firm voice. I shivered at his words. For the first time in our one year and two months of married life he has uttered these words.

Suddenly he pulled me towards him and engaged in a crushing hug. The deepest hug I ever felt, one that calms and soothes mind, body and soul. The kind of affection which I longed for from my life partner.

Yet a part of me felt guilty, guilty for taking the place of someone so dear to him. Although I had done nothing wrong, it was just the work of destiny but still a part of me wanted to ease all his pain as if it were mine. I have got an extraordinary ability of trying to mend other's hearts when my own was broken.

"I think I have started LOVING you", as he said I felt a different kind of euphoria.

While he said these, I felt tears running down my eyes, as well as his. He was crying! I have never seen a person so strong like him cry!

He clutched me tighter, as if we were two unlike poles of a magnet, to come back together no matter how much we are separated. I could feel his tears running down on my skin, his heavy breathes near my neck. His every touch increasing my heart beat. At this moment I want nothing but our bodies to entangle with each other, our souls to remain united, our lips locked with one another, our bodies to perform breaking dance on this soft matress when our emotions run a matathon race to win the love race.

Outside the first showers of rain welcomed a new season of blooming. Inside, we lay entangled to each other, crying and hugging, fighting and being vulnerable, apart yet so close. Our tears washed away all our differences and marked the begining of a new season of love, a love I wish to be in forever.

I feel pure ecstasy when I come close to you,
Your beauty adorns my world of blue,
I am forbidden from admiring none save you,
Yet my arms aren't forbidden to hold you in a tight embrace,
Till you call out my name in love,
My heart is caged by those locks of yours,
My fingers are willing to trace your skin,
I am so engaged that my lungs have forgotten to respire,
Your fragrance burns my nostrils,
And I am ready to dive into it,
So addictive are your eyes,
Perhaps I don't ever need any whiskey,
You entice me with your warmth,
Kill me with your looks.
My passions are rising,
Rising to break your walls,
To reach your forbidden zones,
And break every barrier,
They are healing me, they are heating me,
Give me love and make me yours unconditionally,
If you are the time then I wanna be a time bomb,
If you are the lock, let me be your key,
If I am the horse be my rider,
Let me be your patient and nurse me with your love,
If you smile, I shall conquer territories,
If you blush in this way, I shall make love to you tonight.

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