Distances and Difficulties.

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I paced up and down my room, anxiety gripping every part of my body. Beads of perspiration appeared on my forehead and I nervously fidgeted with my hands.

"Calm down Anjali, everything will be fine", Rohan said in a calm voice but his calm presence couldn't reduce my stress.

"I am so scared Rohan", I gripped my mobile as hard as I could.

"You will break your phone. Come sit here", he motioned me to sit beside him.

"I am scared."

"You will do well."

Results are something which can make even the most bold person sweat in anxiety.

"I can't wait any longer. Will I be able to occupy any rank?"

"Why are you worrying so much Anjali? This is not even your final semester."

"I badly want a rank and the internship offer too."

"You will do well, just stay calm."

Two more hours passed as I waited for my results to pop on the screen.

"Give me your phone. Let me check for you."

Two minutes later Rohan's face lit up. I studied his expressions with fear and anxiety.

Finally what seemed like an eternity he spoke, "you have done well Anjali."

"What's my rank?"

"Second, congratulations. "

Finally I could release my breath. I crashed on the couch as relief washed over me.

"I am glad you did it", Rohan said but a painful expression washed over his face.

"Aren't you happy for me?", I held his face within my palms.

"I am very happy for you Anjali.. but"

"But what?"

"Do you realise what does this mean?"

I realised what Rohan meant to say. I am the second rank holder. The top three rank holders will have the priviledge of going to Germany for the internship.

"Yeah, I can understand."

"You will be away from me Anjali", he spoke without looking at me.

"For three months."

"Its a very long time. I have never spent a day away from you."

"This is going to be too difficult for us."

"We will manage somehow." Rohan pulled me in a tight hug and we stayed like that for sometime.

Distances can make love stronger if its true.
I consoled myself with the quotes and yet it didn't relieve me much.

"Get ready, we are going out."


"Surprise. I have some official work. I will return within two hours."

Only two weeks... and then I have to be away from him for three months.
This is my dream, isn't it? An internship in Germany. I can't leave it. Never! I have to do it!

Breaking the trail of thoughts which flocked my mind I decided to get ready for the surprise.

I chose a grey georgette saree for myself which was as light as feather. I let my hair fall down my shoulders in light ripples. I drew a near to perfect eye liner and waited for Rohan.

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