The Decision.

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It's better in this way. My eyes closed and it's silent all around. Have I reached heaven? Am I alive or am I dead? My head is throbbing. I touch the place where it hurts and find bandages running over my forehead. I blink a few times adjusting to the light  outside and finally succeed in opening my eyes. My eyes first landed on the white ceiling above my head. My sight fell on the IV tubes supporting me. I realised I am in the hospital in an ICU.

I tried to get up but my limbs weren't responding to my will. Suddenly the door opens and my mom enters.

"Anjali has regained consciousness, call the doctor."

So I am alive..

"My child, how do you feel?"

I tried opening my mouth to speak but words weren't coming. I feel so weak, weaker with the oxygen mask supporting my breathing.


"It's okay. No need to speak, just rest."

And then my mind races to that one person who occupies my mind and heart.

Rohan. Where is he?

"M..o..m... Rohan?"

"He was sitting beside you for the past two days. Today we have send him back home to take some rest."

"How many days?"

"You were unconscious for two days. Rohan was here since the time he brought you here."

Unable to speak any more I close my eyes once again and absorb the silence.

My sleep broke after I heard someone's voice.

It's Rohan.

"I am sorry Anjali. The day I stepped into your life it has been a mess. I don't know what exactly I should do to bring back happiness and peace in your life, but I will figure it out soon."

I can make out the heaviness in his voice.

"I am sorry Anjali, but you are precious to me, your life has much more value than you think. I won't let you lose it. You will get well soon Anjali, you will."

I decided to listen to him pretending to be asleep, he wont express once he realises I am awake.

"I will soon decide something which shall help both of us. I can't hurt you anymore. You are like a delicate flower who needs to be loved and taken care of. "

I tried to open my eyes and call him.


"You are awake Anjali? Sorry to have disturbed you. Are you feeling good?"

"Yes fine."

"How foolish of me to ask such a question! I know you are feeling too weak and dizzy, you were unconscious for two days, all due to my fault."


"Don't speak Anjali. You are weak. I know you won't ever blame me but this was my fault. I should not have acted so irrationally. I am really sorry. Please close your eyes and take rest. You need to recover soon."

I wanted to speak a lot but my health isn't in my favour now. So I closed my eyes once again and went back to the sleep mode.

"Wake up Anjali.."

I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright sunlight through the hospital window.


"Yes, my child. Get up. You need to eat something to do away with your weakness."

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