Breaking love and making love ( Honeymoon)

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"Hey, you are still sitting over here?", Rohan spoke with mischief filled eyes.



"You are so bad", I spoke angrily.

"Hey sugarplum, how can you call me bad? I booked the entire tulip garden for you", and he broke out in a smile that went up till his eyes.

"I hate you", and then I headed towards the washroom.

Throwing a shirt over me I came out and found Rohan staring at the window.

"Come here", he spoke with a voice of authority.

"What happened?"

"Just sit with me and watch the Paris sky."

It was indeed a beautiful sight. The Eiffel Tower soaring in the blue sky, the people seemingly small in our view, the running cars. Yet the most beautiful sight is beside me, the most beautiful pleasure is being with Rohan and the most royal is his touch of love.

"Do you want to go out?"

"I just wish to spend some time with you."

"Come over here".. Rohan gestured towards the bed.

As soon as my back touched the soft mattress his arms found me. One of his hand was below my head and the other holding my waist.

"Will you pass me the remote?", he whispered in a husky voice which made me roll my eyes.

"Take it..."I almost threw the remote at him.

Why does he deliberately plays with my feelings?

"I would have been happier if you would have said take it off..", Rohan spoke in a whisper brushing his luscious lips across my cheeks.

"Stop it Rohan ", I said with a fake warning in my voice.

"Stop what?", he asked with a mysterious and naughty smile.

"Your playings and teasings."

And then he flipped me over. I could feel his ragged breaths, his lovely black pupils focussed on me that I could see my reflection in them, messy hair clouding the ceiling from my vision.

"Are you sure you are done with the playings and teasings."

"Y.. yes..", my voice shuttered and I stared at him letting him control my body, my heart and my soul.

I felt his lips touching mine erupting the desire of love in me and the chill that heated up my body upto my core.

His lips soon found the hollow above my collar bone and I was filled with butterflies in my stomach and a wet sensation.

He nuzzled close to the crook of my neck and I snuggled closer to him.

"Can we stay like this life long?", he asks in a love filled voice.

"Probably yes, but I think I need to get up for drinking water".

"Following my methods of testing patience, isn't it?"

"No... this is my own method ", and I giggle like a school going girl.

It's a magical feeling to be in love and experience the beauty of it like a sixteen year old who wants a prince charming just like Cinderella and the fears and insecurities of a twenty two year old who knows life can't be a fairy tale.



"What will you do if we get separated?"

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