A day out.

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As I woke up my eyes landed on Rohan's sleeping figure beside me.

So this is reality, not a dream.

As I struggled to move out of the bed, he pulled me closer to him. If possible I would have stayed here forever.

"Good morning", I said as he fluttered his eyes before opening them.

"Good morning", he smiled back.

"Are you sure about everything?" , I cannot help but voice up for my fears and insecurities.

"Sure about what?"

"About whatever you said yesterday."

"A new day won't change my feelings for you."

And he gave a warm smile, a smile that melts my heart and spreads warmth.

"Where will you take me?", I asked in an exited tone like a child.

"Somewhere special. Don't ask questions. Take it as a surprise", he winked at me.

I quickly entered the shower trying to think about all the outfits I own. I cannot come to a conclusion. What do I wear?

I wonder if all girls face this problem of selecting a dress before going somewhere special.

I dried myself wrapped in a towel trying to select a dress from my wardrobe.

"Anjali can u...."

"Rohan get out, I am getting ready."

He didn't leave without having a final stare at my half naked condition.

"And close the door", I yelled at him.

I have turned crimson red remembering Rohan's look at me, checking me out.

I love him, and that's my weakness.

I take out a checkered tank top and matched it with my black jeans. After trying a lot of ways of tying my hair I decided to leave it open letting it fall in waves on my shoulder. I have never been a make-up person in my entire life. With one stroke I drew a near about perfect eye liner and somehow controlled the wetness building in my eyes from smudging it. Taking about ten minutes to figure out what shade to apply to my lips I finally settled on two, the baby pink and the bold red.

What will he like on me? The baby pink or the bold red? Should I ask him?

Before I could come to a conclusion there was a loud bang on the door.

"Anjali open the door. You have locked it for more than thirty minutes."

I got up from the chair near the dressing table and headed to open the door.

I got greeted by Rohan in a shirtless form standing in front of me. Drops of water glistened on his broad shoulder. Some have made their way down his chest. He has just come out of the shower. I let out a sigh and tried to avert my eyes from him.

"What are you looking at?"

He knows very well what I am looking at and yet he asks.

"Nothing get ready. I can leave if you want me to."

I don't wish to stare at him while he changes. I mean I wish to but that won't be appropriate right?

What has happened to that innocent girl in me who never dreamt of kissing anyone in her twenty one years of life?

As I tried to move out of the room I collided with Rohan and was about to fall. Before I could hit the ground I was clutched by a pair of strong hands preventing me from slipping. I looked up and felt desire in his eyes. Desire to hold close and maybe desire to do more. A few drops of water from his freshly showered hair fell on my face and glided across my cheeks.

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