Bonus Chapter

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Please note the book ended in the last chapteritself, this is like a treat for my lovely Readers who find Anjali and Rohan an adorable couple and have sticked to my cliche story since the begining.. Thank you all.. you people have turned me into a happy writer😊

Enjoy, this is a matured chapter. I wont rate it 18+ , I hope all my readers are atleast 14+. Enjoy, vote and comment.

I was lying peacefully on the sofa and flipping through the channels.

"Get up Anjali...", Rohan called me.


"I want to teach you the art of self defense.."

I looked at him in bewilderment.
"Self defense?"

"Yes self defense. I have decided to teach you myself. I want you to be self dependent and be able to protect yourself.."

The medals he had own in martial arts are a display of his expertise in this matter.

"Ten more minutes. After this show ends.."

"No. Get up now", with this Rohan switched off the television.

I looked at him and finally decided to get up.

"Change into something comfortable. I dont want you to complain of torn up clothes later on."

This is going to be fun..

"You have to first focus on the weak point of enemy. There is no point in following rules of self defense. Your opponent wont follow the rules in real life..", Rohan instructed me.

"Come on Attack!"

At first I was afraid of hurting him but when he flipped me on my back I could realise how serious he was.

"I... thought..", I said with my pointing voice, "you will teaching me self defense.."

"I am teaching you self defense", Rohan said in a calm voice.

"I feel like you are taking revenge upon are going to kill me.."

"No Anjali.. this is the only way to teach you self defense.."

"Send me to a learning academy then.. you are not a good teacher at all", I said while rubbing my back which pained severely after Rohan flipped me over for more than three times in last fifteen minutes.

"You are being dramatic. I am the best teacher for you", Rohan rolled the sleeves of his hands and I stared at him in awe.

"No, send me to a learning academy.."

"I wont. First, I dont want anyone to touch you while teaching; second, defense rules cannot be applied in real life.."

He looks sexy when he is all possessive and I gulped down my saliva.

"Let me help you with your back.."

Rohan brought a bottle of ice cold water from the freezer. I stared at him trying to guess what is he upto.

"Lie on your front", he instructed.

I did as I was told, my heart beating in excitement at what he was going to do.

Rohan lifted up my shirt at one go. Soon the cold bottle made contact with my skin.

"How do you feel?"

"Good", I answered with my eyes closed.

He rolled the bottle on my back and every drop of water that made contact with my back after rolling down from the bottle gave goosebumps to me.

The codness of the water soon got replaced by the warmth of Rohan's lips.

"You look beautiful.."

"I love you...", I whispered while getting lost in the depths of pleasure.

His lips ran down my spine and I kept my eyes closed getting lost in the sea of pleasure.

Rohan flipped me again, but this time he did it gently. He unbottoned my shirt in a swift motion and I lay topless in front of him. He rolled the bottle again starting below my navel till the below of my neck.

"Pleasurable?", he asked.

"Very much", I replied with my eyes closed.

The water droplets rolled down on my skin making it glisten with the water drops.

"Please send me to to an instructor next time. You should have gone easy on me.. its my first time.."

"Your attacker wont care if its your first time..", Rohan said and I hated to admit he was right.

I didnt realise when the coldness increased to a highter level. "Rohan! Its cold!", I almost jumped out only to find him giving a condescending smile.

My eyes became wide open as I say him empyting the ice cubes in a bowl.

"What.. what are you trying to do?"

"Close your eyes", he said and I followed.

My back arched automatically when the ice cubes rolled down the valley of my breasts till my navel.

Soon the coldness got replaced with the warmth of his lips which he placed just above my navel and moved slowly till his lips reached upto my hardened nipples.

"Call out my name...", he commanded between the kisses.


His lips didnt leave an inch of my skin untouched.

"I told you I will alternate between hot and cold to heal your soarness", his voice dripped with desire. He left trails of kisses down my thighs.

"Excuse me sir, what are you trying to do?"


I tucked my lips together as he held my hips to keep me in place and left kisses all over me. As he held me in place and rolled the bottle with his other hand I was forced to arch forward. He stared at me for half a minute before claiming my lips. The longest half a minute of my life. He pressed me harder to himself and muttered near my ear, " you look good like this". It felt so good, his every word set my body on fire.

"How do you feel?"

I let out a soft groan. Rohan chuckled and pressed his lips near my collar bone. "This is not what I mean, I know your body screams for mine..", he placed his damp hand on my breasts and left a trail of kisses.
"I am asking about your back pain. Is this helping you?..."

"Yes... very much", I replied hastily.

He flipped me again but I didnt mind. He withdrew his hands slowly, and left me sore in both ways.

He placed his hands on my feet are massaged it.

"Are you sore?"

"Yes.. everywhere", I laid a stress on everywhere.

"Aww.. my poor baby"... he smiled.

Kissing me again for the last time he got up. "Take rest Anjali..."

What wanted more? Leaving it up to your imaginations because I dont want wattpad to rate "Life in a spiral" as matured.

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A big thanks..💜

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