Melting snow, reducing distances.

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Today is Nabami.

Goddess Durga is supposed to return to her husband's house. And I am waiting just for one word for my husband. Even though my heart is flinching for one call or message from him, I control my deep urge to call him and listen to his deep husky voice.

I indulged in helping my mom in the household chores. I don't like spending time in my room. It reminds me of Aisha dii. The pain of losing her grips my heart. Even the walls reminds me of her. I don't know how my parents have accepted their loss.

It was about 1A.M at night. My nabami went away missing his presence. It hasn't been even a year and I can't tolerate staying away from Rohan even a day.

Do I cross his mind even once in a day?

I am feeling sleepy and I have no one to share my feelings other than my teddy bears.

My phone starts to vibrate and it's him!!


"Are you asleep?"

"Not yet.."

"What are you doing?"

"Just watching the stars on the terrace?"

"Are you free to talk?"

"Yes.. do you need something?"


"What do you need?"

"Your presence in my room."

I was flabbergasted. I am calm outside while the butterflies in my stomach are doing a somersault. I might break the bed just by dancing out of joy. Anjali, don't let him know how happy you are. Just be cold.

"When I am with you you want me to go away. When I am away from you you want me to return back? Sorry I won't. "

"I didn't ask you to return back", with that he chuckles.

"Anyway I won't be returning even if you ask me to."

"Okay listen, I am sorry. Please return back. I miss the aroma of your special tea. More than that I miss the smell of your jasmine oiled hair. I will take you out tomorrow."

"Do you really need me?"

" I need you Anjali. I miss you. "

"Okay, I will return tomorrow. "

"Good night. I miss seeing you sleeping peacefully on the couch, occasionally moving and making creaking noises yet not complaining for once about the discomfort. Thanks for patiently tolerating me. "

Tears of joy fills my eyes. I never felt so good in my life. He misses you Anjali! Else he won't have called at 1A.M at night. He needs you. The day isn't far when he will start wanting you more and more.

I could not wait to meet him again and woke up as soon as the clock strucked six. I will be going out with him for the first time. I am excited.

I quickly strip off my clothes to take a hot shower.

Relax Anjali relax! You will rip off your clothes if you take them off in such a hurry. It's just a shower not a night for making love.

I blush at my own thoughts. How would it be like if I stand stark naked in front of my husband? How would it be to exchange fluids with him and moan his name while he makes love to me? It would be nothing less than heaven on Earth, a world which will revolve only around him.

Shedding my thoughts I dress up quickly, ready to go back to him. I touched my parent's feet to seek their blessings on Bijaya Dashami.

"Thank you Anjali."

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