The time of the Rose.

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Four years have passed since the day Rohan and I tied our bonds with the vow of marriage. More than the bonds its the love which binds us together. I look at our wedding albums and recollect all those sweet memories.

"What are you doing Anjali?"

"Admiring my most priceless treasure..", I said looking at the person in front of my eyes and wondering how the love has only grown with time.

"So is this the only way you admire your most priced possession?"

"Yes..  what else can I do?", I replied playfully pulling Rohan's nose.

"Its our fourth anniversary... lets do something special", Rohan said with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him, but my heart fluttered with love. "I have to go to work today Rohan, I cant take a leave..."

"Please no...."

"I cant help. I will return early."

"Pinky promise?"

"Yes..promise", he held my little finger  and placed a kiss on my cheeks.

Working as a bank manager is a tedious job, yet it is less tedious than giving an interview to those people who means nothing in your life but never stop poking their nose and asking, "Anjali when will the good news come?"

As I stepped in the Kolkata metro for another long day, I get lost in thoughts remembering how my life has changed. I love you Rohan. The mistakes that I committed in my early days of marriage wont be repeated. I have learnt the value of relationships, the value of love and respect. I am not the immature girl anymore, I am a matured woman who still loves chocolate ice-creams and little suprises from her loved ones.

"Happy anniversary idiot", my screen flashed with Natasha's message. This girl is doing great. She is in Dubai with Pritam and yet has kept our friendship intact. Some great foundations of friendships and relationships are build on small steps.

The day passed quickly without any special arrangements. I wanted to do something for Rohan but I am too tired for anything.

"You have come early, but not so early", Rohan said with his arms crossed.

"I know dear, I had a lot of work."

As I freshened up and stepped out in my regular cotton sweatpants, a smile crept on my face.

"Happy anniversary wifey..", Rohan greeted with a smile.

"You did this for me!", I clapped my hands like a kid in excitement.

"Yes... now lets cut the cake.."

We cut the cake together and celebrated our fourth anniversary.

"I love you Anjali.."

"I love you Rohan..."

I ignored the little headache and continued with my quality time with Rohan..


"Hmm?", I looked towards him taking my eyes off the movie playing in front of me.

"Are you feeling okay?", he asked with a concern in his voice.

"Yes.. I am fine..", I replied with a genuine smile.

My head started hurting more than before. I am feeling nauseous. Soon the world started blackening in front of my eyes as I clutched onto Rohan's arm for support.


I fainted before I could respond to him.

When my eyes opened the headache had subdueded. I opened my eyes and waited for Rohan.

"Anjali... you are awake?"

"What happened to me...?"

"You had scared me so much.. the doctor will check you.."

Our family Doctor checked for the regular symptoms.

"Is she fine doctor?"

"Congratulations Rohan. You are going to be a father", she said with a bright smile.

"You are going to be mum. Take care of yourself."

"Are you happy Rohan?", I asked inspite of knowing the answer.

"Yes... Anjali.. I am the happiest today..", he hugged me tightly yet carefully.

"I love you.. "

"I love you too.."

The news of my pregnancy reached my parents and in-laws and they were so happy for us.

"Are you happy Anjali?", Rohan asked me after days of my pregnancy being confirmed.

"Yes I am very happy.."

Happy? I dont know what do I feel. I am happy that there will be someone who will call me mom. I am happy because Rohan is happy. I am happy that I will get the experience of being a mother. Yet I am scared, I am worried. Will I be a good mother? Will I be able to manage home, office, child and be a super mom? Will I be the same again? Will I ever get to wear the dress that I wore on my twentieth birthday? Will I have the same importance in Rohan's life?

With every passing day I am more worried as well as happy.

"Eat more Anjali, you are eating for two..", my mother said.

"Walk slowly, the baby might be hurt..", my dad said.

"Anjali..? Why are you looking worried?", Rohan asked. Its the first time someone asked about ME and I felt loved.

"Will I be a good mother?"

"Every mother is best for her child. You will be the best mom."

"I am scared..."

"I know you are scared and worried, but dont be. You will be a good mom, just the way you have been a good daughter and a good wife. I love you Anjali. I am with you. Dont be afraid."

With every passing day I am falling more in love with the baby growing inside me. She makes me feel sick at times, I feel morning sickness and nauseous but everytime I fall in love with this child who is growing inside me.

"I will paint the room pink if it is a girl and blue if it is boy", Rohan announced one day.

"So sexist", I rolled my eyes.

"I dont like pink and I am a girl", I replied.

"My daughter will love pink room...", Rohan said confidently.

"No she wont. Pink coloured rooms doesnt look good. I want a rainbow coloured room."

"Rainbow coloured room?"

"Yes.. the room will be painted in all colours... our child can choose any colour as his/her favourite colour from it."

Soon the room was painted in all sorts of colours as we awaited for welcoming the new member of our family.

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