The First night.

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"Anjali, you are looking so beautiful."

"Thank you."

Admist all the appreciation my heart desired for one glance of Rohan. I just want him to take one look at me.

"See mom, I wasn't wrong whoen I said this pink saree will suit Anjali the best!"

Rohan's sister Nishi and I have become good friends. A good relation between sister-in-law is something which is a rare sight. I am indeed lucky to have found a friend in her.

"Don't mind Anjali, you sit here. I want to click a few good selfies."

Sitting is the most difficult part for a bride. All the while I have only one job to do, sit and fake a smile whenever someone greets me. I wonder how do the actresses plaster so much of fake smiles? Don't their jaws pain?

"Take this, you are looking beautiful. Make our son a happy man tonight", I blushed and others giggled.

A few more gifts and the inner goddess in me was roaring to rift open these packets. I am too eager to open these!

"Take this, wishing you a happy married life. "

From the gift itself I can make out its a crockery set. Already I have received four sets of crockery sets. What will I do with so many crockery sets? In return for free food can't they have gifted something more useful? Even a wall clock would have been better.

"Mam! I am the photographer. Please come for the photo."

Rohan has come only because his sister has requested.

"Sir, please come a bit closer."

Reluctantly Rohan reduced our one metre distance to half a metre.

"Sir, a bit more close. This is for the wedding shoot."

Our distance reduced to fifteen centimetres yet I feel like a stranger next to him.

"Sir, please put your arms around mam's shoulder. "

Rohan would have snapped his neck but somehow controlled himself.

I felt a rush of thrill as soon as his arms touched my bare back. Although the touch lasted only for two seconds but it felt magical. He left just after clicking one photo. I feel rejected, rejected by my husband. He could have atleast acknowledged my presence.

"Come Anjali! Tonight is a special night for you. The first night!!"

"Make your husband feel special. "

"Do something to turn him crazy."

"Tomorrow give us updates about your experience."

"Don't be a shy girl. Bring out the queen of seduction in you."

"If you need any guidance we are there to help you. "

My friends kept on advising me while I knew it would be heaven on Earth for me even if my husband acknowledges my presence.

"Don't push! I will fall."

My mind comes to a hault whenever I hear his voice.

"Don't worry you will only fall on your wife's lap!", his friends teased.

I couldn't help but giggle at his helplessness. He looks at me with a burning gaze.

"It seems you are enjoying a lot!"

"I am sorry."

"Rohan, are you going to lock the door or should we do it?"

"Thanks but please get lost, I can do it myself."

The commotion and noise was soon replaced by a breathtaking silence. The only thing wgich I can gear is my own heart beat.

Rohan is searching for something. Should I ask what does he want?

"Do you want something Rohan?"

"Yes, looking for a place to sleep."

"What's this bed for?"

"Are you kidding me! You think that I will sleep with you on the same bed?"

A rejection again!!!

"There is no other place to sleep, until you decide to sleep on the floor. I don't think that's a good idea. There are ants crawling on the floor. There might also be lizards and cockroaches. It's better if you share the bed with me. This bed is big enough to fit both of us with enough space between us."

What a confident speech Anjali! I am sure the vermilion has a different effect. It can easily turn a cat into a tigress.

Rohan gives me the look of a child who has been forbaded from purchasing his favourite candy.

"Are you sure?"

"We can make an equipartition division of this bed. One side will be yours, other will be mine. Don't worry, I am not a tiger who will pounce upon you, midnight."

Rohan giggles and it melts my heart.

Sometimes strange ideas come to my mind. This is one of those times. I create a partition with the two pillows available.

"But I can't sleep without a pillow!"
Rohan squealed like a child.

"For gaining something, you have to lose something. If you don't want me to pounce on you like a tigress you must sleep with this much of discomfort."

We both were tired and we dozed off to sleep.

We often create boundaries for our hearts without realising the fact that hearts are wild creatures who are not to be tamed. They should be allowed to set out their wings of flight and fly freely to the one for whom they beats.

Sorry for not giving my readers the taste of romance.  😅
Romance is like a sweet candy, the more you wait patiently the sweeter it gets. Have patience and enjoy the flower of love blooming.

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