Ending or begining?

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The rest of the month passes in a bleak. I am busy with my studies and exams. Although the distance between Rohan and me has decreased, we still live as nothing other than roommates. I don't know whether he even remembers that I told him I love him. Everyday I am waiting for one response from his side, but it never comes. He does show concern about my studies and sometimes my health too, but there's nothing more than that.

The autumn is about to end. Nights are usually a bit cold nowadays. There are days when I wake up with a bedsheet over me, the time of blankets hasn't yet arrived. I know that Rohan cares and makes sure I don't shiver while I sleep. Yet my heart cries for his touch of love. Will I ever get it?

My exams went better than I had expected. Thanks to Rohan, he never stopped giving study tips although he's from a different stream. His presence soothes me and calms my mind, helping me to focus better. Although I can't deny he is also distracting at times. After all the good girl in me sometimes need to take rest and the bad girl in me never stops to stare at him even while he is all serious and busy in teaching.

Life is all good. Although my heart is barren waiting for the first sappling of love to grow in it. Rohan is taking extra care of the rose plants, as the time has come for them to bloom. I just wish he plants some flowers of love in my heart too.

The day finally has come. Today we have to perform a puja as the ritual goes. It's Aisha dii's first death anniversary.

"Before I die, I want you to make a few promises.
Anjali promise me, you will look after mom and dad after I go. Take care of them, take care of yourself. Be an understanding daughter. Lastly, take care of Rohan, I know he will be devastated after I go, you will be devastated after I go, but be strong and remember I am always in your heart.

Rohan, promise me you will take care of my sister, and promise me you will find someone and marry, I dont want you to destroy yourself after I go. Take care that my sister chooses the right person. I love you, I always will."

Her words kept replaying in my binds. The promises which have bound Rohan and me. Things would have been so different if she would have been alive. Rohan would have happily married her and I would be enjoying crazy college days.

I took out the most simple dress from my wardrobe. A simple cotton salwar kameez. I let down my hair which fell in waves down my shoulder. I didn't bother to put on any earrings to match my salwar suit. I didn't even realise when tears started flowing down my closed eyes. Life is so cruel sometimes.

I fluttered and slowly opened my eyelids at the feeling of a familiar touch. " Anjali, don't cry. It's been a year. Let's head towards your home for the puja."

When I reached my house the place seemed to be screaming with gloom in every corner. Some close relatives had come to attend the puja.

"Will you come up to stretch on the bed?"

"No, I won't. I can't enter that room."

I didn't request him further. I know how much it hurts to glance at the bed where Aisha had breathed for the last time.

The day passed in a hurry. I didn't even realise how fast the night came.

"Anjali, take Rohan to your room. All the rooms are filled with guests. Its for today only. The guest room will be free tomorrow."

Reluctantly Rohan agreed to sleep on the very bed which Aisha dii and I shared.

I fidgeted with my hands as various thoughts crossed my mind. I suddenly heard Rohan mumbling something in his sleep.

I switched on the lights. His muscles had tensed up and a furrow had formed between his eye brows.

A dream or a nightmare? I wondered. He clutched the bedsheet tightly and kept on wriggling. A panic formed in my heart.

"Rohan, get up."


He was taking her name...

"ROHAN! Get up!"

He woke up with a startle. "What happened?"

"You were muttering in your sleep."

"Yes, a nightmare."

"Anjali, I need some fresh air. I can't sleep here."

Before I could ask him anything he dashed out of the room. He didn't go to the terrace but went out by opening the front door.

"Rohan wait!"

Who cares.. he didn't even glance back. Nevertless I somehow wore a slippers to follow him on the road. It's 12 o clock at night. I don't wish to leave him alone.

The streets of Kolkata are never totally empty. Even at this odd hour there were cars moving on the road. Just as the heart never stops punping, Kolkata being the heartthrob of Bengal never stops honking.

"Rohan please stop", I was far behind him. He couldn't even hear me. People around me must be thinking, I am a crazy wife who drove her husband out of the house at midnight and is now running on the streets to bring him back.

I quickened my pace to catch him but he was taking long strides which made things more difficult for me.

"Rohan!" I called once again but he couldn't hear.

Oh no! My slippers have a habbit of betraying me in crucial moments. It chose to broke off in the middle of the street.

I stooped down to see the condition if my broken slipper could handle a bit of more stress or I have to walk bare footed. I didn't even realise I am in the middle of the road.

As I looked up with a honking sound, I could see a car speeding towards me.

"Move Idiot!"

I tried my best to get up and move towards the left side of the road. Somehow I stood up but before I could run for my life...

The driver tried to apply a sharp brake to stop the car.


The car stopped but I feel my legs shaking. My mind is numb, I don't feel pain. My shaking knees couldn't bear my weight and I feell down. I smell blood. Am I bleeding? But where! I am falling, falling on the ground, with none to hold me. My head is throbbing badly. My vision is blurring. Will I die? Die a fucking virgin!

In my blurring vision I could see a few faces gathered in front of me.

"Be quick! Take her to the hospital, she is dying. "

Someone was checking my pulse..

"Her pulse is getting weak!"

"She has a deep cut on her forehead!"

"She is conscious! Be quick!"

In my blurring vision I took a notice at the place where I met with the accident. There was a pool of blood. How many litres I wonder..

My eyes were searching for him. Did he notice the accident?

My eyes led a sigh of relief when they met with his. He is here finally...


I   a...m    d..y..i..n..g... sa...v..e.. m....

I uttered with all my strength, before closing my eyes.

Be ready to witness great changes in this story!
I know this is a sad chapter .  So I want all my readers to express their sadness in the comment section and show some love towards my efforts by voting and following me!

Lots of love❤ to my readers! Remember never to stoop down in the middle of the road when your slipper breaks..😂 stay safe... 

Check out my other story, HATE ME PLEASE on my profile.

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