A surprise.

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"Rohan I have many things to tell you.."

"Tell me... I am all ears to you."

"Today something happened... Anshul.."

"What did he do now? Has he hurt you?", Rohan asked alerted.

"No.. but.."

"Tell me.. this time I am going to rip him off."

"Professor was away with Pritam at that moment Anshul knocked my door. He tried to kiss me but I hit him and kicked him off."

"Did he touch you in any way? Dont hide anything I am going to kill him.."

"No... I closed the door and called Pritam.."

"I am proud of you", Rohan said with a smile.


"My fiesty wife took a stand for herself for the first time in her life. This doesn't mean I am letting Anshul go away. I will make him regret for even wishing to come close to you."

"There is a good news too.."

"Tell me.."

"He has been caught cheating. He will be sent away back to India tomorrow."

"I will take good care of him", Rohan said with a smirk.

"No! Dont do anything.. I dont want any more difficulties."

"I will only solve difficulties.."

The next few minutes passed in a bliss. Rohan stared into my eyes and I stared back at him. Sometimes eyes can speak those words which lips cant.

"Rohan weren't you afraid of losing me?"

"Yes a lot.."

"Then how could you accept this so easily? I could have done something wrong.."

"Trust me Anjali you couldn't have done.."

"How could you be so sure?"

"You have a heart of gold Anjali. I know it more than you do. You wont hurt me ever. I cant force you to love me. All that I know is I am not wrong in trusting you."

"I am a very bad wife Rohan.. you are too good.. I dont deserve you..", tears blinded my eyes.

"There's no question of deservings in love. Love is unconditional. I love you Anjali. You didn't abandon me when I was so unlovable. I cant abandon you. I will love you till I die."

"I will prove to be the best wife for you Rohan. You wont regret falling in love with me."

Time passed in the blink of eyes. It seems so soothing to speak my heart out to Rohan. It seems the burden over my heart has been removed.

My internship goes much well in Pritam's company. We have become the best buddies in this one month. I get almost no time left to enjoy Berlin. Time flew faster than I thought. Only two more weeks and I will be back to India!

"Anjali stop being the nerd. Lets enjoy a trip. Only two weeks are left.", Pritam suggested.

"Okay.. let me ask Rohan if he wants me to get something for him.."

"Rohan where are you?", I called.

"In office."

"I am going out for a shopping. What can I get for you?"

"Anything you wish to buy.."

"Tell me what do you want!"

"Some flavoured condoms will do. Afterall only two weeks are left..", his voice sounded dripping with desire over the phone.

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