You are Mine. (Honeymoon).

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I was shivering out of fear of what might happen next. Panic rose in me making me flinch out of anticipation.

What's next?

He marched towards me in long strides. His eyes devoid of emotions. His face was cold and expressionless.
"Rohan I-"

"Come with me Anjali."

"What you are thinking-"

"Come with me", his voice was no longer calm and soothing but void. He didn't even look at Anshul.

"Rohan I know-"

"One more word and I leave you here. Just come with me."

He seemed to be a stranger in the disguise of Rohan. Does he trusts me so less to jump to conclusions without even asking me for once? I forgot all my anger and hurt for one second.
I followed Rohan. Tears were flowing down my eyes leaving a trail across my cheeks.

As soon as I stepped out of the club the cold wind hit me with full force and I shivered.

"Take this it's cold ", Rohan stretched out his hand to hand me over the jacket.

As I slipped in the oversized jacket comfort sweeped over me. Will he trust me?


"Let's head towards the hotel first. "

We drove back in absolute silence. He didn't look at me even for once. Guilt is consuming me from inside. It's my fault. I should have thought twice before agreeing to dance with Anshul.

The twenty minutes ride in the cab seemed like eternity.

"Why are you ignoring me Rohan? Atleast say something..."

"Nothing more to say.."

"I understand you are mad at me but don't you trust me even a bit?"

"I trust you Anjali."

"Then why are you not asking me anything?"

"I want you to be comfortable at first."

"I am comfortable. I want you to ask."

"Tell me why did you leave alone? I had asked you to wait?", he brushed his thumb on my cheeks rubbing off my tears.

And all the hurt now hit me with greater force making me feel numb. He isn't angry with me because he feels both of us have done the same thing, cheated on each other and broke the basic foundation of our relationship, loyalty.

"Tell me Anjali.. why did you leave?"

I pushed him away. I am not ready to confront the reality, that he has cheated on me.

"I saw you in room 303."

"Room 303?"

Wow amazing! He knows to put up such a great show...

"Stop pretending Rohan", I increased my pitch and pushed hin away when he tried to come close.

"Where did you see me? Tell me clearly."

Now he will say I have mistaken him for someone else.

"You made me wait for fifty minutes for a fifteen minutes work. I was worried, I called you so many times, yet you didn't pick up. I left the room and thought to check out in the reception. That's when I spotted you with that girl entering in room 303. You would have never thought in your wildest dreams that your wife will find out about your little secret in this way."

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