Bad days and Bad Nights. (Rohan's pov)

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Rohan's pov:

The decision that I have taken has shattered me. It has shattered Anjali too. She didn't protest, not even for once. Maybe she's tired, tired of being vulnerable with her feelings in front of me, while I have rejected them everytime. I am a murderer. Murderer of the feelings of an innocent girl, shatterer of her dreams, breaker of her walls. I have destroyed her beliefs with my cowardice. I am a coward, a coward who thinks love will again destroy me. I am afraid of falling in love again.

Anjali has mended me bit by bit, but she has broken herself in the process. She acts just like the eraser of my life. She clears all my mistakes and loses herself in the process. I have to stop this, I have to stop being the reason of her downfall. I can't be selfish. I can't drag her down the black hole of my life. I have to break the cage for her, the cage of marriage, the cage which has clipped her wings and made her forget to fly.

Maybe ten years from hence when she meets the person who would love her the way she deserves to be, she will forgive me. She will be glad that I let her go. I will be happy somewhere knowing that she is happy. I can't let her ever know I have developed feelings for her long back, she shouldn't know. I can't let my feelings stop her from flying high.

Three months from hence we will be separated from each other. Maybe we are just two intersecting lines who crossed each other in one chapter of life.

Two months later:

"Don't do this Rohan!"

"Why won't I do it?"

"I don't like it ."

"That's the reason I am doing it..."

"Stop this... pleaseeee.. "

"You look divine when you request me..."

She giggled radiating her beautiful smile. I remove a strand of hair from her face blocking my view.

"Hey love, we are getting engaged. I am so happy."

"Me too... I have waited for this day for eight long years.."

"I love you..."

"I love you more..."

I placed a small peck at the corner of her lips silently wishing to see her smiling like this forever.


"Rohan I cant marry you."

"Why Aisha? You know I don't like such kind of jokes."

"I really cant.. i am sorry.."

"Are you drunk?"

"I can't Rohan... I am sorry... be happy with someone else ."

I pulled her in a strong embrace... "what happened?"

"I am dying...."

Those words kept ringing in my ears like a death knell.

"Please don't say these..."

"Stage 4 Leukaemia, I will die.. within a year. "

"You can't die..."

"You can't..."

"You wont..."

"I will Rohan..I  will.."

"Aisha, I will die with you..."

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