A Trip is planned.

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Rohan's eyes shone with happiness and mischief. He looks like a six year old kid who is planning to irritate his mother by doing the things he is forbidden to do.

"Tell me, plan for what?", I asked impatiently tapping my fingers on the table near the bed.

"Guess", he says with a soft laughter playing while playing with my strands of hair.

"How can be guess! Is there any upcoming occasion?", I asked thoughtfully, my mind racing for any upcoming occasion.

"No my dear Wifey", he replied playfully making me blush.

"Then what else?", I asked making a puppy face.

"A trip. A trip to a place where you always wanted to go."

"Where?", I asked beaming with exitement.

"Paris", he replied in his huskiest voice and my jaw dropped in awe.

"Close your mouth, you will catch flies", he replied with a small chuckle.

"How? Why? I mean why..."

"I wanted to take you somewhere. So planned a trip to Paris. This is the best time. The weather is cool and you will have your semester breaks soon."

I couldn't prevent but pounce on him out of excitement. "I love you a lot ", I squealed in joy.

"Can you I mean we take a day off for tomorrow?", I knew in my heart he will say no, still I tried my best with my puppy face.

"Yes, I can but what about your studies?"

"Nothing will happen if I take a day off!", I protested.

Pulling my chin up Rohan looked at me as if I am the last sample of I- phone free for sale, he needs to grab it before anyone else does.

"Princess! You look like a five year old kid needed to be spanked for denying to go to school!", mischief clearly filled his eyes.

"Are you agreeing or not!", I folded my arms to pretend to be disappointed.

"Okay okay! Fine but what do you want to do?"

"Go for shopping!", I announced and clapped my hands out of joy.

"Me and shopping?", he looked with bewildered eyes.

"You are my husband not someone else. If not you who will take me?", I tried to sound disappointed.

"I thought you yourself will do all the shopping. Okay I will assist you. Don't expect me to choose though", he said with a smile and pulled me until I fell on top of him. His smile is contagious, it infects my heart.

The night passed quickly with me between his arms.

I showered and dressed up quickly in casuals. Applying a bit of sunscream and tying my hair in a high pony tail I got ready within ten minutes, sometimes adrenaline makes you do things you won't have ever done. Rohan has made a deal. He will take me for shopping only if I attend my half day classes at college. Such a nerd of a husband!

"Go safely. I will come to pick you up during your lunch break ", Rohan yelled from another room.

Wishing everyone goodbye I left for college. My heart beating in excitement. I am going for shopping with my husband.

Time seems to stop when you want it to pass quickly and it passes quickly when you actually want it to stop. Sometimes I feel time is like your jealous neighbours who don't want to see you happy and feel bouts of jealousy even for the roses in your garden.

Finally it was time for Rohan to come to pick me up. I waited patiently occasionally glancing at my phone to check the time. Finally I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw his approaching car.

"Get in! We are going for lunch first. I know you haven't eaten anything out of exitement."

"We will get late! The shops might get closed!", I said with a pouted face.

"Are you a five year old kid Anjali? Don't you know the shops over here remains opened almost throughout the day. Its just 1 pm. We have the entire day", Rohan said with a bit of sarcasm and amusement in his voice.

We halted in front of one of the most exquisite restaurant of North Kolkata.

"What will you like to eat?", Rohan asked handing the menu card over to me.

"A simple veg menu will do", I replied even without glancing at the menu. I would have opted for a delicious fish menu but choosing fish over veg will take much of my time. My priority at present is shopping.

"Too feisty, aren't you?", Rohan asked with a look of mischief on his face and I felt like a trapped child who has been caught for stealing powdered milk from the jar.

I finished my meal without talking much within fifteen minutes and mentally noted to check out this restaurant again when I won't be in a hurry.

We stopped in front of one of the largest shopping malls of North Kolkata.

"Remeber Paris will be cold in may. The kind of cold Kolkata gets during winters. So choose your dresses accordingly."

I was about to head towards the Western Section of the mall when my eyes fell on the men's section.

"Come with me!", I pulled Rohan along with me.

"What do you like to wear the most?", I asked trying to imagine what would look best on him.

"You choose, I don't have a great taste."

I rolled my eyes at his submission.

At last I settled for a checkered blue shirt with black jeans. It will look good on him. I mentally checked it out.

"Are we done?", Rohan asked impatiently.

"What will you do with one set of clothes? We need more. "

I chose four more shirts, some casuals and two more jeans before heading towards the women's section.

After about one hour, which Rohan termed as one year I settled for a beige top with a ripped jeans and a red scarf.

"I guess you need four five maybe forty fifty more dresses", Rohan asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm and impatience.

"What's your hurry?", I asked in an equally impatient tone.

"There are people over here and I can't do the things I want to do to you", he whispered in a seductive tone making me weak in my knees.

"Hey stop!", I protested but the voice died in my throat. His fingers were soon inside my top drawing patterns on my back. He kept his hands low not rising too high to lift up my dress making me gasp under my breath.

"Let me choose for you", and Rohan settled for some of the most elegant dresses in the mall.

"How's about this one?", he asked poiting to a red coloured deep neck cut one piece which probably would end just mid thigh. The long lacy sleeves made me fall in love with the dress.

"Nice ", I commented and he smiled. We shopped for some more essentials before heading beck towards home. Rohan placed a quick kiss on my cheeks as soon as I entered the car.

I am exited for this trip, better known as the Honeymoon. It makes me wish a lot of unmentionable things.

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