Boating in Berlin Waters.

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"Hey! I know at this moment you just want to pounce on top of me but you should have some control...", I tried pushing Rohan off me but he held me more tightly.

"I wish I could have complied to your request but I cant..."

"Rohan...", I called him with a fake warning in my voice.

"Anjali... you are so adorable...", he said with a smile.

"Adorable?", yes adorable. You are someone who can only grow up in years but will always remain a child at heart.

I dont know how to react at his direct insult to my womanhood, yet warmth filled my heart when he called me "adorable."

"Tell me how you have flied off to Berlin. What about the expenses?", I asked as a typical middle class wife would do, afterall I dont want Rohan to be bancrupted.

"Thats a suprise.."

"Please tell", I pouted my lips only to meet with Rohan's lips trying to move in sync with me.

"This is a buiseness trip."


"Dont be so surprised. I have to stay here for two weeks. This is an extreme case of luck that my timing of departure has matched with yours."

"This means you will be with me on the return journey?"


"I love you so... much.."

Being away from my husband for days makes me crave for his presence more than I ever wished for.

"What about some fun activities today?"

"Sure.. what can we do?"

"Boating in Lake Teģelersee", Rohan said with an amusement in his eyes.

"Wow!! This is indeed a very good idea.."

"We will go during the evening time when moonlight will fall over the water and make it shimmer in the dim light.."

"You are the besttttt husband in the world", I squealed in joy stressing on the 't'.

We lay in each other's arms looking at the setting sun.

I dressed up in a cute crop top and paired it up with jeans. Love is doing adventurous things with the person you love, I recalled the familiar quote.



"Lets go.."

The view of the lake was so mesmerising. The soft moonlight made the water glimmer. The lake was huge. My eyes only found water whereever it looked.

"Beautiful", I whispered under my breath.

"You too...", Rohan whispered in my ears.

"Come..with me", Rohan held me by my waist and helped me to step in the boat. As I placed my first foot the boat shaked a bit and I feared falling in the water.

"Dont be afraid, place your next foot and it wont shake."

I heaved a sigh of relief as I sat comfortably in the boat.

"Are you going to row the boat?"


"We should take the help of a guide. You have never rowed a boat b-", Rohan placed his finger over my lips asking me to keep quiet.

"Dont worry.. I will take care of everything.."

I looked at him as he rowed the boat. The view of his muscles flexing with every movement of the oar assured me this must be a tedious work.

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