Romantic Rains.

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There's something about the rains.. It knows how to ignite and cool a heart at the same time. The sky is covered with black clouds since the morning. I am waiting for the rains, my first monsoon after marriage. Rain is so sensual, it increases my longing; my longing to be in the arms of my husband inspite of his repulsive behaviour. I crave for his touch, his affection and his love. How I wish to get drenched in the rains with him!

Today is a sunday and Rohan is at home. The only day in the entire week when he is physically the closest to me, yet not so close. I find him staring absent mindedly outside, admiring the weather. I decide not to disturb him and start reading a book, " The Notebook."
The journey of love is never busy, in books or in reality. Love has a tendency to tangle itself more no matter how much the heart tries to simplify it. Love is soft and hard at the same time! As I was lost in thoughts I heard the pitter patter of rain drops.

"Oh no! I have kept two bedsheets on outside on the terrace for drying! " I have to bring them before they turn completely drenched.

I hurry towards the terrace and find the bedsheets almost soaked.

Suddenly I feel a rush of desire, desire to get myself drenched in the rains. I spread out my hand at first and the rain drops fell on my palm. I feel so good. I take a step ahead and allow the rain to drench me. No! I crave for it's gentle touch more and more.

I bring the CD player and a pair of Tora, to tie around my ankles. The pitter patter of rain drops combined with the musical touch of the ringing bells itself sets a romantic atmosphere to die for.

Today I have a desire to dance in the rains. I don't want my neighbours to have a view of my dancing, so I decided to place the CD player in the attic and dance between the bedsheets on the line.

The sound of the ringing bells and music was soon overpowered by the heavy downpower. Today the clouds seem to be angry and ready to flow out everything.

I just wish my emotions could have flown so easily just like the rains!

As I take one step in the rain I feel a sebse of deep satisfaction. It has been a long time I haven't danced wearing those ringing bells. With every step I take memories come running in my mind.

My beautiful childhood days, the way I used to sneak out to get wet in the rains when everyone used to be asleep during afternoons, my teenage years, my marriage and my first day with Rohan. How his touch electrifies my whole body, how it sends chills down my spine and how my heart beats faster to sync with his, how my lips become ready to dance with his in perfect synchrony and how blood rises to my cheeks!

I start twirling in the rains. With my every twirl my red skirt starts gripping me a bit more. My white top has become transparent in the rains highlighting every curve on my body. The touch of rain is so sensuous!

And suddenly the silhoutte of a familiar figure approaching breaked my rythm. I stood momentarily numb at my husband's arrival. He must be thinking his wife is a crazy teenager who has no control over her emotions.

I become self aware suddenly. Being soaked to transparency in the rains, standing fully clothed yet unclothed virrually in front of my husband who repels me has increased my longing for his touch. Does he realise I want those lips to be moulded with mine?

"Are you mad?", Rohan asked after five minutes of silence.

"You were jealous of Anshul yesterday  for dancing with me, you have problem even if I dance alone in the rains?"

"I don't want to pay hospital bills if you fall sick."

"That was way too honest. You are such a miser!"

"Get in fast."

"And a creep too..."

"I am a creep? What did I do?"

"A creep who won't allow anyone even the rains to come close to his wife and himself will never come too!"

"Wait what? You want me to come close to you?"

"Was he really this dumb or just pretending to be dumb?" I decide not to reply to such a dumb question and get inside the house. I collect the rain drenched bedsheets ignoring the fact Rohan was observing me, not to forget in my transparent clothes.

As I try to step indoors I slip by stepping on my long skirt and fell down.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes I am."

What a stupid! How can I be okay after falling down and being stucked in two bedsheets?

"Get up", with this Rohan extended his hands towards me.

I could feel the cool wind blowing through my soaked clothes and adding sweet chills over my body. We both were getting drenched in the rains.

As I tried to get up Rohan came closer to me. My heart started beating faster.  With every step closer I could feel my fallopian tubes ready to do a breaking dance for him. My muscles were twisting and was ready to feel his warm touch of love in this cool atmosphere.

We were the closest. I could feel his warm breathes over my cold skin. He was only a few centimetres away from me. Can he just place those lips over mine?

Slowly he whispered in my ears and it felt like music, a voice I could die for.

"Can you please give me a copy of those songs?"


"I know you were dancing to the recordings of Aisha. Can you please give me those? I promise to return after copying them."


That was the only word I could manage to say.

I could feel hot tears forming at the corners of my eyes. Everytime I expected a bit of care I got hurt. I didn't expect him to dance with me in the rains like those movies, but I didn't expect that of all the activities only Aisha dii's recording would be the only thing to catch his attention.

She is the unluckiest girl in this world, who lost a love so deep. I feel sorry for her.

Sorry for playing with the emotions  of my readers and turning a romantic scene into a tragic one...

But have patience, love is a sweet candy, the more you wait the deeper it gets...

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With love for my readers ❤❤

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