Alex Summers + 127

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127. "Who wouldn't be angry? You ate all of my cereal and faked your death for three years?"

The knock at the door made me frown. I wasn't expecting any visitors today... Slowly, I turned the knob, and... Nothing could have prepared me for the sight that met my eyes when I saw the face behind the door.

" Alex??? "

He gave me a small half smile. "Hey (Y/N)... Can I come in?"

Too stunned to say anything, I nodded numbly and backed away so he could get through the door. The man I had thought dead was now sitting in my living room, grinning like nothing had changed and I was positively stupefied.

The smile slowly slid from his face as he took in my expression.

"Look, (Y/N)--"

"Don't." I cut him off abruptly. "Just... don't. I need to sleep on this... Maybe it'll just be another dream." I murmured the last bit, standing to go to my room. I couldn't handle this at the current time... The nightmares had finally gone away and suddenly he's back?

When I woke up the next morning, it took me a moment to remember the shock I'd received last night. Once it registered, I jumped out of bed to see whether or not I'd imagined it all. I check the living room first... No Alex. Maybe it had been a dream. Sighing, I headed into the kitchen, only to freeze when I saw him. My eyes went wide, but he hadn't noticed me yet. He was happily scooping up cereal from his bowl, completely oblivious.

For some reason, the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "That better not be the last of..." I marched forward andsnatched the box off the counter. Empty. Aaand then I was livid. "What the heck, Summers? What do you think you're doing?!"

"Whoa, whoa... Calm down, what's wrong? Did I say something to make you angry?"

I flung my hands into the air in frustration. "Well who wouldn't be angry? You ate all of my cereal and faked your death for three years! Three years ! What do you have to say for yourself?"

Alex's expression grew serious. "Look, I know... It's weird, but I can explain. Please, I love you. I'd never purposefully hurt you. All I ask... is that you give me chance to explain."

His words melted my defense a little bit, and I sighed. "I'll always give you a chance Alex... I love you too."

He pulled me into a hug, and I knew then that everything would be alright. Alex was back.

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