Derek Morgan + 12 & 17

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12. "It's official. This is the worst case I've ever worked on, and that's including the one with a dog as a suspect."

17. "No, I said we were safer, not safe."

"It's official. This is the worst case I've ever worked on, and that's including the one with a dog as a suspect."

Derek gave you a funny look. The two of you had gotten caught in the crossfire of two rival gangs (long story, but this case had not been fun, to say the least). Backs against some unsuspecting civilian's illegally parked pickup truck with no vests and only your standard-issue firearms, the situation wasn't looking great.

"Do I even wanna know?" Derek asked, risking a quick glance around the side of the car.

"You'd probably find it interesting, but not right this minute. Come on, let's get into that alley over there, it'll be safer."

"Right... on my signal. And... Go!"

The two of you sprinted from behind the car into the cover of the alley.

"Alright, now you call Hotch, and I'll– What the hell happened to you?"

Derek stopped short when he saw you wincing, holding your side.

"Uh, I got shot... I thought that would be obvious?"

Derek quickly out pressure on the wound, grabbing his own phone with his free hand.

"I thought you said we'd be safe here!"

"No, I said we'd be safer, not safe! And this happened in transit anyways..."

"Will you shut your mouth, (Y/N)? You're losing blood, you don't need any hot air escaping too."


But your protests were cut off by the sound of sirens and police breaking up the din. Even as the paramedics took you away, you made sure Derek knew he hadn't won the banter. You'd get him yet... Plus you still had to dumbfound him the dog story. You'd get him yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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