Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson (Implied Steve Rogers) + 63 & 64

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63. "Girls, girls, you're both pretty. Can I go home now?"
64. "Boys, if you can't play nice, you can't play together."

I rolled my eyes as I walked down the hall, hearing the nonstop bickering of those two absolute adolescents .

Don't they ever take a break? I mean honestly, this isn't a competition about who's Steve's bestest friend. Ugh.

Entering the room in a foul mood right off the bat, I snapped, "Boys, if you can't play nice, you can't play together. Give it a rest and give the rest of us a break."

That stopped them. Both men paused in their argument and looked up at me.

"What's the cause for argument this time?"

They didn't answer. Suspicious...


"Well you see, doll..."

"Hey!" Sam whisper-shouted, hissing something else under his breath at Bucky.

Bucky merely glared and continued, "You see, doll, the two of us have both taken a shine to you..."

"Oh great," I groaned. "This is about me?"

They nodded and I started laughing uncontrollably, prompting confused looks from them both. I must have laughed for longer than I realized, because before I could blink, they were arguing again.

"Wilson, I swear to God--"

"Oh you two..." I interrupted, giggling a bit. "Girls, girls, you're both pretty, but Steve beat you to it and asked me out last night... Can I go back to my room in peace now?"

Their stunned silence was the only answer I needed to turn around and go. Behind me, I heard a low grumble.

"So Steve's totally dead, right?"

"Oh yeah."

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