Loki + 7 & 45

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7. "We can't have a crisis - my schedule is already full."
45. "I am not human. I never was. So why do expect me to act like one?"

"Loki, how could you! I trusted you..."

"Yes darling, and that was your mistake."

"You crossed a line! No decent human being would ever--"

"(Y/N), I am not human... I never was. So why do you expect me to act like one?"

"You absolute monster, we agreed: No blue shells!"

He simply chuckled. "My love, I am the god of lies..."

And that's when she tackled him. God of lies or not, he had messed with a Mario Kart pact.

"What's that commotion from the commons area?" Natasha asked, sauntering into the kitchen. "We can't have a crisis, my schedule is already full." She turned to grab a cup of coffee as she waited for a reply.

"Four words, my dear Widow..." Tony replied. "'Loki', '(Y/N)', and 'Mario Kart'."

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