T'Challa + 114

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114. "That almost sounded like an apology."

T'Challa knew exactly why his wife wasn't talking to him. It had seemed so trivial at the time, but now it was just a mess... Approaching the couch where she sat, he took a deep breath.

"My love, please... Won't you end this silence? You know I never meant to upset you..."

She laughed sarcastically. "You know, that almost sounded like an apology..."

T'Challa sighed heavily. "(Y/N), I am sorry. But... I cannot let you join the Avengers. The risk is too great." She didn't answer and he pleaded, "I can't lose you, don't you understand?"

(Y/N) looked up at him and, after a long pause, nodded. "I-I know... I just want to help..."

He sat beside her. "You already do. Every day, you inspire me to keep fighting. You are more important than you realize. I love you..."

Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her forehead.

"I understand, T... I love you too."

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