Eddie Brock

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marvelgirl7 asked:
Reader prompt: Eddie and Venom leave reader because they've put her in danger too much.. reader finds out she's pregnant after break up...

Eddie left me before I could tell him. He thinks that because he has Venom now, it's too dangerous. Maybe he's right, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Now, I'm trying to decide what step to take next. Do I tell him or not? I know Venom would make him come back. I doubt he even wanted to leave in the first place, but knowing how Eddie is, the symbiote didn't really get a choice. Just like me.

One thing I know for sure is that I can't stay in this place. It reminds me of what was. Of the good times with the man I love... and of the note that was the only indication of what he did.

Forget about reminders, I have no idea what to do for my child! What if Eddie being bonded with Venom affected this baby? I can't go to a doctor... Someone would try to take the kid away.

Pacing in what was now only my apartment, I glared at my phone on the coffee table. If I tell Eddie, it'll tear him apart. He won't want to leave a kid without a father, but it's just one more life that he'd think he's "endangering"...

I picked up my phone, but just as soon threw it at the couch. This hadn't been Eddie's decision to make. He should have talked to me. But, I suppose he had known what I would have said. That was why he hadn't asked.

Finally, I gave in. It went to voicemail. Maybe if I call enough times, he'll think it's an emergency. If only there was a way to get ahold of only Venom. He would make Eddie come back.

No, first, I need to clear my head. I made a call, but not to Eddie.

"Hi, Anne? Hey... Something important came up. Can I crash with you until I sort it out? Thanks... I'll be right over."

Eddie can do what he wants. As for me, well... I'm still figuring it out.

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