Bucky Barnes + 44 & 51

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44. "I can't lose you!"
51. "Sorry I died."

"Bucky, what the heck were you thinking? You enlisted ?"

"People are dying, (Y/N)."

"Yes, and you could be one of them! Bucky, please..." I just wanted him to understand. I needed him here...

"I can't, doll. I'm sorry..."

"Why not? Why can't you just stay home, Bucky?"

"Because I can't lose you!"

I shook my head. He didn't get it... and there would be no talking my husband out of this stubborn pursuit. "You already have, James. Just go."

And without another word, he headed to the station to ship out.



I was crushed. My world had shattered when the letter had arrived.

Assumed killed in action.

My husband. Gone... Along with half of his companions. The 107th infantry, lost behind enemy lines, and the last thing I had said to him was...

This was awful. He would never know what I'd meant to tell him before he told me he'd enlisted...

There was a knock at the door. Numbly, I went to see who was calling at my and Bucky's-- my apartment.

"Steve? Wh-what are you doing here? You're Captain America?"

"Hey (Y/N)... I'm here about Bucky."

Sniffling softly, I nodded and motioned for him to come in.

"No no, I mean... I have someone here."

Okay, now I was really confused... Until the man stepped into view.


A lazy grin was spread across his face. "Hey doll... Sorry I died."

"You jerk!" I whispered breathlessly, tackling him in a hug.

"I know, I know... I owe it all to Stevie here. He pulled me out of that base and saved half my regiment."

When our eyes met, I knew there was no need to voice my thanks to Steve.

"Hey, there's something different about you, (Y/N)..." Bucky gently cupped my face in his hands, looking me over. "Maybe you're just more beautiful after not seeing you for so long."

"Well, Sergeant Barnes..." I said, giggling slightly, "That's because there was something I didn't get to tell you before you shipped out."

His eyes brightened slightly, and I could tell he was working it out.

"Our family is about to get bigger, Bucky..."

He picked me up and spun me around.

"Easy, soldier... Morning sickness is still a thing."

"Right, right..." He carefully set me down, then paused. "I'm sorry I didn't talk with you before enlisting..."

"I'm sorry too, Bucky... I was just scared I'd lose you, but... it was selfish. You're helping people, and who am I to stand in the way of that?"

He smiled. "Don't you worry, doll. You'll never lose me."

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