Eddie Brock Headcanons

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Anonymous asked:
Headcanons for Eddie with an SO who works at a tattoo and piercing parlor and has the looks too match? Maybe he wanted to check out the tattoo scene in San Fran and Venom literally made him almost break his neck because it turned it head around so fast going "EDDIE! THAT ONE HAS COLORS LIKE YOU AND IS SHINY!" But really, I'll take any idea you'll throw at me. Love your writing btw :)

Aww, thanks!

Hm, okay, let's see what we got here

- I think Venom would be a bit more like "Eddie what is that? Does she have one of my kind?"

- Poor little murder puppy probably hasn't looked far enough into Eddie's mind to know what tattoos are yet

- But he would for sure be so curious about the process

- Eddie tries to get one, but Venom doesn't like that

- "It bit me, Eddie!"

- Eddie only just manages to keep him from trying to eat the the ink gun

- That would be awkward to explain to the cute girl he just met

- So he apologizes profusely and probably pays you anyway to make up for it

- Venom keeps pestering him to ask you out

- Finally, he does

- Awkward, stumbling, and everything good expect from him, but he's too cute to say no to

- La de dah, and soon he tells you about Venom

- That was fun

- "Fun"

- Okay, yes, you freaked out a little, but I mean, Venom still hasn't learned human rules of subtlety and/or "breaking it gently"

- Once you chill out about everything, you probably start sketching some tattoo designs based off your new killer puppy dog

- Needless to say, they become your most popular requests and you have a very flattered symbiote on your hands

 -I'd say he definitely likes to watch you work those designs

- Probably nags and begs for Eddie to take him

- Neither of you really mind

- You and Eddie like to be near each other, and both of you like to make Venom happy

- Sometimes a family is one hot mess, a tattoo artist, and a killer puppy dog

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