Bucky Barnes + 20, 117, & 131

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20. "I think I broke him."
117. "I was just kind of hoping that you'd, y'know, fall in love with me."
131. "So why did I have to punch that guy?"

"Then, after I get done saving that little punk from getting yet another beating, I turn to him and go, 'So why did I have to punch that guy?'" Bucky laughed, telling me a story about his days with pre-serum Steve.

"And what was his excuse?" I grinned.

"Eh, I don't remember... But it all turned out okay, I guess. Anyway, I should let you go... You've got training with Clint, right?"

"Oh, I guess it's that time already... Darn, I was hoping for more stories. Ah well, see ya later?"

"Count on it, Doll."

"So did you tell him yet?" Clint asked as we walked down the hall.

"Clint, you ask that every time, and every time, my answer is no." I replied, exasperated with this same old conversation.

"I'm just sayin... There are hundreds of Avengers fangirls out there that would kill for a chance to even catch a glimpse of him. Barnes is a hot topic among the ladies these days, you need to make a move before he gets snatched up," he stated matter-of-factly, moving to walk backwards so he could face me.



"Drop it."

"Why don't you tell him how you feel?" he pressed, grinning while focusing on something behind me.

"Because like you said, he could have any girl he wants, he's hardly going to pick me!"

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that?" came a new voice.

Bucky. I whirled around to face him, paling. Clint was so going to die for this, and I could tell he knew so by the look on my face.

"I uh, I..."

He was smirking now. "You're my pick, Doll... Over those so-called 'fans' any day."

"Well... Good to know."

"So what did you do to Clint?"

"Nothing much... I mean, he's hiding in the vents. That is to say... Okay, I think I broke him..."

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