Thor + 13 & 150

31 3 0

13. "On a scale of one to Australia, how dangerous are we talking?"
150. "It seemed like a good idea yesterday."

"No no no, Asgardian mead is far too dangerous for a mortal to consume... Do you not remember what happened to the elderly warriors at Stark's last celebration?"

I huffed as Thor finally finished. "Of course I remember... But they were old! I can handle it. I'm enhanced so it won't affect me as much! I mean like... on a scale of one to Australia, how dangerous are we talking?"

He paused, his brow creasing in thought. "What's an Australia?"

Needless to say, I didn't remember much of what happened after I talked into finally giving me some...

There was a terrible pounding noise coming from... somewhere... and I had a dull pain behind my eyes. I groaned slightly when I heard a muffled chuckle among it all.

"Shoosh... too noisy..."

"I did warn you about that mead, my dear."

I made another distressed noise and pulled the covers further over my head. "Yeah, well it seemed like a good idea yesterday..."

Thor laughed again. "Worry not, the effects will wear off. Eventually..."

"Please never let me do something that stupid again."

"I can try, but knowing you..."

"Oh shut up."

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