Erik Lehnsherr + 99

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99. "I am either going out for ice cream, or to commit a heinous crime. I'll decide in the car."

Erik was not at all happy about being assigned as babysitter to the Academy's latest charge. Charles had insisted that it would be "nice for him to set an example" and that they could "do each other good", but he wasn't onboard at all. They had found this girl in a prison, for goodness' sake! Not that he himself was entirely innocent, but the point remained... She'd been using her powers to hack into various places that she generally shouldn't, and now Erik was in charge of her.

Speaking of which, the very girl in question was currently bouncing along towards the garage, twirling the keys in her hand to a very certain expensive car... With a small movement on his part, Erik pulled the keys away from her and into his own palm.

"Where do you think you're going, (Y/N)?"

Grinning, the girl quickly retorted, " I ... am either going out for ice cream, or to commit a heinous crime. I'll decide in the car!" With that, she laughed at her own little joke and turned to walk away.

Erik growled softly. "I can't let you leave unsupervised..."

"Then come with me," she shot back without even turning around.

Huffing, he grudgingly followed. Maybe this girl's divergence from the rules wasn't such a terrible thing...

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