T'Challa + 63 & 87

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A/N: I purposefully didn't translate their words in this one because I wanted you to get the sense of how Reader would feel in that situation, unable to speak the language. If you choose to plug it into google, beware, the machine may not spit out exactly what I had in mind lol. Basically, Shuri is teasing T'Challa about his feelings for R.

63. "Girls, girls, you're both pretty. Can I go home now?"
87. "Well this is a nice change of scenery... I was being sarcastic."

"Shuri, why can you never listen to me?" T'Challa demanded, trying - and failing - to keep his voice even. "I told you, this room must be the best for her!"

His younger sister rolled her eyes. "You worry too much, brother. I assure you, the modifications I have made will be to her satisfaction." Then, she smirked mischievously. "Just because you like her doesn't mean you get to boss me around."

"What?! Shuri, I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Well, this is a nice change of scenery," came a voice from behind.

The siblings turned to see the very woman in question strolling into the room.

"You know, T'Challa," (Y/N) said, "When I said Oh, this hut isn't that much of an improvement from my cage on the raft , I was being sarcastic. I was perfectly happy where I was."

"Yabona, mzalwana?" Shuri said. "Ndakuxelele njalo."

"Thula, wena," T'CHalla shot back good-naturedly.

"Girls, girls, you're both pretty," (Y/N) interrupted, though it was obvious she had no clue what they were saying. "Can I go home to my hut now?"

"Tshela lo mfazi indlela ozive uvele ngayo, mzalwana," Shuri said with a smirk as she walked out of the room. "Okanye ndiya kukwenzela yona."

T'Challa sighed, turning his attention to (Y/N). "Consider this your home now, uthando lwam."

"I don't suppose you're going to tell me what that means?" she muttered as he brushed past her.

"Not today," he chuckled. "But soon."

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