T'Challa + 18 & 147

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18. "You here to finish me off, sweetheart?"
147. "Come over here and make me."

The king of Wakanda hated to admit it, but he may have bitten off more than he could chew by picking this fight. T'Challa had foolishly underestimated his opponent, and now he was lying on his back coughing up blood. He couldn't move, he could barely breathe, and his thoughts were becoming cloudy. Just as the other warrior was about to deliver the final blow, a shadowy figure dropped in, tackling the man away from the king.

The other man stood to his feet, trying to figure out who dared disrupt his moment of glory, who would deny him the triumph of killing the Black Panther. To his surprise, his eyes found the figure of a woman. Her face was covered, but she carried a pair of knives in her hands. He laughed.

"You here to finish me off, sweetheart? Seeing as the guardian of Wakanda did such a fine job of that?"

Ignoring his mockery, the woman darted forward.

T'Challa's world went black, and he saw no more.

When he awoke, there was a moment of confusion as his mind took time to register that he was no longer bleeding out on the rocky ground. Instead, he was hooked up to monitors and IVs in a bed, safe in the Wakandan palace.

In the corner, a woman, the woman who had saved him, was leaning against the wall.

"You can stop hiding in the shadows, (Y/N)," he murmured. "I am awake..."

She didn't move. "I know you are."

He sighed. "You know what I am going to say..."

"You want to tell me that what I did was foolish? It is what you do every day, T'Challa."

He tried to sit up, but a searing pain in his chest warned him to stop. "I am Wakanda's guardian, not you! Do not place yourself in danger again."

Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) finally moved away from the wall. "I would tell you to come over here and make me, but your foolish actions will speak for themselves." She sat at his side, taking hold of his hand. "I will never leave you to fight your battles alone. Do not ask that of me. If you had died last night..." Her statement hung in the air.

T'Challa sighed. "I will not pretend to be happy about this... but I know I cannot stop you."

Some of the tension in the room dissipated, and she smiled. "Thank you."

He merely nodded in response, and the two sat in silence.

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