Matt Murdock and Peter Parker Headcanons - Platonic

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greenhouse-nurse asked:
(I'm resubmitting this with some changes) Can I get a headcanon for how you think a first meetup between Spiderman (Tom Holland ver.) and Daredevil (Charlie Cox ver.) and the reader would go down? Also would all three end up as buddies later? Would reader get dragged into their shenanigans or would they keep the reader safe?

Hm, I think that Reader would probably be a friend of Matt's first. She's probably innocently walking down the street close to Queens when Spider-Man has to rescue her. Daredevil shows up to check on things, only to find out it's all been handled.

After that, I think there would be a vigilante friendship between them first for a long time. Mutual respect, that kind of thing. And of course, Reader is on a casual basis with both vigilantes.

They probably only reveal their identities to each other (and Peter to Reader) when one of them gets injured in a team up. After that, Matt and Reader probably take on parental mindsets towards Peter because what the heck is a kid doing in this dangerous business?

And he appreciates the mentors, both for personal life and for vigilantism.

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