Thor + 27

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27. "I see humans but no humanity."

Thor had asked Heimdall to take him to earth, but the gateway had opened somewhere odd this time. The town was barren and the buildings were new, but crumbling. A woman in drab, faded green apparel had pulled him aside, telling him it wasn't safe.

He came to learn that this was some sort of Midgardian military, and agreed to stay with them for a while until the danger passed.

"Who are you, anyway?" the woman--whose name he learned was (Y/N)--questioned, handing him a bottle of water.

"You do not know me?" he questioned.

She paused and scanned his garb. "Oh, you're that thunder guy our superiors talk about."

"Yes... Why are you here?"

"I'm... here to protect the ones the Avengers can't."

Thor looked around, taking in everything and thinking over the things he'd witnessed in the past few hours. "This is protection? People are suffering... I see humans but no humanity. Women, elderly... children... All have been murdered in a mad scramble for power."

"I know..." she sighed. "Believe me, I know. We can't always help everyone. But if we can just take out the leader of this whole issue..."

"This leader... If he dies, this will stop?" Thor asked.

"I wish... There will always be another to take his place. It's just human nature. But that's why my team and I fight. Like you and the Avengers, as long as there's someone to threaten innocents, we'll be here to fight back for those who can't."

He smiled slightly. "You do noble work here, (Y/N). Someday, you will be respected in Valhalla as a mighty warrior and defender. Perhaps there is hope for your people after all."

(Y/N) smiled back, and they both listened to the silence of the night, staring up at the stars together.

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