Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) + 21 & 106

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21. "Don't bleed on my floor."
106. "Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose."

Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones. But, you still have to choose. For instance, right now, I was faced with an extremely difficult choice.

Spider-Man, the idiot, had injured himself, ironically, while saving me from an even bigger baddie. So now, I could either help him and bring my sworn enemy into my hideout or... Let the vigilante die and watch my center of operation crumble to the more destructive villains.

Well... I just hoped I wouldn't regret this.

When Spider-Man woke, it was a bit hard to tell. In a moment of generosity, I left his mask on when I brought him back to my lair. However, it was a bit obvious when he gasped and sat up. I looked up from where I was preparing the medical stuff.

"Don't bleed on my floor, Spidey." He groaned in pain and turned to face me.

"It's you... (Y/N) (L/N)..."

"Observant as well as super, congratulations." I moved over to him and started patching him up.


"Just shut up and let me do this..."

There was a long pause.

"You're... younger than I expected."

That made me look up. "Yeah? Well..." I couldn't think of a reply.

"You're my age." Slowly, he reached up to his mask.

"Hey, hey..." I reached up to stop him. "You don't have to-- Oh-- Okay..." Halfway through my sentence, he managed to slip his mask off. And dang , he was handsome. Messy brown hair and dark puppy eyes... No, nope... definitely not going down that road.

"This is... unexpected, Spider-Man."

He chuckled like that was an inside joke. "Yeah... a bit." There was a pause. "Why do you live like this?"

I frowned. Nobody had ever really cared to ask before. "It's not important, Spidey."


"Why are you telling me this? You have no reason whatsoever to trust me."

Spide-- Peter gave me a small half smile. "You don't remember me, but we went to highschool together."

"Wait, wait, wait... Peter Parker ?" Now I definitely remembered my highschool crush... Yikes, this was embarrassing. But I was just as shocked that he even knew I existed. Feeling like a kid again, I shifted in my seat.

"Yeah, it's me."

Shaking my head, I finished bandaging him and stood. "Look, this reunion has been great and everything, but you really should go."

"Right, right... I--" He cut off with a wince when he tried to stand.

I sighed heavily. "Fine... One night. And then you have to go."

Chuckling, he nodded. "But I can still come and visit, right?"

"Just don't arrest me."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

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