Pietro Maximoff + 39 & 53

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39. "Now where's the fun in that?"
53. "Did you honestly think that I would leave you there?"

As best as I could, I dodged a chunk of concrete from the crumbling building, trying to ignore the voice in my ear.

"Agent (L/N), get out of there, now! That's an order!" Cap shouted.

"What, you mean avoid getting crushed to death?" I quipped sarcastically. "Now where's the fun in that?"

No sooner had the words left my mouth than pain flared in my shoulder, eliciting a sharp cry of pain. Black spots danced in my vision, and, though I tried to press on, I passed out.

When I woke, I was in a hospital. The first thing I noticed was a mop of white hair resting on the bed beside me. Pietro had apparently stayed the night. Weakly, I reached out and pushed at his shoulder.

"Piet... Pietro, wake up..."

"Huh?" His head shot up, and his bleary eyes met mine.

"Hey, Speedy. You look awful."

"Speak for yourself," he croaked, his voice still crackly from sleep.

I smiled softly and offered him my hand. "So you got me out?"

"Of course," he laughed softly. "Did you honestly think that I would leave you there?"


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