Criminal Minds Preference

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julessworldd asked:
Hiya, I seen where I can request something to you.. Criminal minds preference where you go to work to see them or bring them lunch. The rest of the team tease them after you leave. Thank you! :)

Spencer Reid

Spencer is happy to see you. He stops whatever he's doing to greet you, and you chat for a while before the two of you have to get back to work. When the others tease him, he doesn't quite get that they're giving him a hard time, so he's more confused than bothered by it. He was just glad he got to see you!

Derek Morgan

Derek is always happy when you visit. He knows that you like to show off your relationship, and he helps! Emily probably teases him, but he goes right along with it and they both laugh about it in the end.

Luke Alvez

Luke probably sees you show up at his work a lot. He likes it especially when they're working a tough case. You help him take his mind off of it, then he can go back to it later with a new perspective. Penelope is really the only one who gives him a hard time about how he sure got lucky to snag you!

Aaron Hotchner

Aaron gives you one of his rare smiles when he sees you drop by - that's the main source of the teasing from the team! They can't believe that you can get one from him so easily. As soon as you're gone, he may respond to them with one of his subtle "serious" jokes, then he's back to business.

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