Stephen Strange + 119 & 137

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119. "How long have you been standing there?"
137. "Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2 AM?"

"Okay, explain it again, Stephen... Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2 AM?" I was bleary-eyed and still half asleep as the doctor/sorcerer followed me around my house. I had been sleeping peacefully until my boyfriend had randomly portaled in.

I opened one eye, getting the strangest feeling that I wasn't alone. It turns out I was right... Gasping sharply, I jumped nearly a foot in the air and fell out of bed.

"Stephen! How long have you been standing there? Why didn't you just wake me like a normal person?"

"Aw, come on..." he said, smirking, "You're cute when you sleep, I didn't want to--"

"Yeah, yeah... Cut to the chase. It's never good news when you appear unannounced."

There was a pause, then...

"Did you happen to bring any chloroform home from your lab?"

"I told you, something about an ancient book Wong found. He says it's got the right qualities of an ingredient for a certain spell and..." He paused at the look on my face. "What?"

"You're doing something dangerous again?"

Stephen snorted and half rolled his eyes. "Pssh, no ... Well, I mean, maybe. But it'll be fine."

I sighed. "Sometimes I wish you were still just making up excuses to visit me..."

"Ah, but I don't need an excuse."

A small smile managed to work its way onto my face as I handed him the bottle. "Just be careful, Stephen."

Smirking, he turned and hopped through the golden circle of light. "You know me... I always am."

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