Tony Stark - Christmas

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Christmas Prompt

Request: @breathlessgirl1991 Oooo I love Christmas prompts! Can you write a reader x Tony Stark with the line "is that mistletoe?" please? Maybe set at a Christmas party with the Avengers Thank you! Merry Christmas!

Another one of Tony's famous Stark parties was in full swing for the holiday season. Lots of corporate bigwigs were in attendance, as per usual.

(Y/N), however, was off in a corner, nursing a glass of something-or-other and trying to avoid everyone.

Steve wasn't one to let people sulk alone though, so he wandered over and started a conversation.

"So... still pining over Tony, I see."

(Y/N) glared.

"Steve, what did I tell you about bringing that up?"

He rolled his eyes.

"I still think you should go for it."

She didn't respond, prompting a sigh from the super-soldier.

"Alright, come with me."

"Steve, what–"

(Y/N) didn't have a chance to protest as he dragged her over to where the other Avengers were gathered.

"Nice of you to join us, (Y/N)." Tony commented.

"Well I wasn't given much of a choice..." she replied, glaring at Steve.

However, the man was preoccupied, engaged in a hushed conversation with Natasha.

"Either way, it got you over here." Clint added.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, taking another sip of whatever it was she was drinking. She didn't even know, really. Just whatever she'd managed to get ahold of first.

"Hey, (Y/N), can you come here for a second?" Nat called, moving away from the group.

She frowned, confused, though she went anyway.

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

Something didn't seem right... Where had Steve gone?

"Nothing really, I– Oh, hey Tony."

The billionaire was suddenly right behind (Y/N).

"Um... Clint said you wanted to see me?"

(Y/N) glared at Nat, hissing, "What are you trying to do?"

Nat gave them both an innocent look.

"I don't know what you're talking about... Oh hey, is that mistletoe?"

(Y/N) and Tony looked up. Steve was standing there conspicuously as if he'd just hung the small plant that was hanging above the pair.

"Well... You two know the tradition." the soldier grinned.

(Y/N) grumbled about trickery and how it wasn't fair.

"Is that you trying to say you don't want to kiss me?" Tony questioned.

Somewhere in all of this, Steve and Natasha slipped away to rejoin the group.

(Y/N) blushed.

"No, I um..."

Tony was a lot closer than he had been a second ago.

"Because if I'm being honest... I've been hoping I'd find myself under the mistletoe with you."

(Y/N) paused.


He nodded, then leaned forward and kissed her. It was sweet, but brief, and he was smirking when he pulled away.

"How was that? Did you–"

"Shut it, Stark."

And with that, she cut him off with another kiss.

She'd have to thank Nat and Steve later for their meddling...

This was the best Christmas ever.

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