Bruce Banner + 12, 16, & 17

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12. "It's official. This is the worst case I've ever worked on, and that's including the one with a dog as a suspect."
16. "Please stop putting things in my microwave."
17. "No, I said we were safer, not safe."

I was sitting on the couch of the safehouse apartment, innocently scrolling on my laptop when Bruce Banner, the doctor I'd been assigned to protect, walked in with an exasperated expression.

"Hey doc, what's up?"

"Agent (L/N), please stop putting things in my microwave..." he murmured, tossing me my flashdrive.

"Ah crap, I forgot I hid my mission update there..."

The doctor sighed. "You can't keep forgetting... What happens if I cook something important? I know we're safe here, but--"

"No no no, I said we were safer, not safe."

"Right... I'm not exactly reassured by that."

Just as I was about to reply, I was suddenly distracted by a little symbol on my screen. "What? No Wi-Fi? That's is, it's official. This is the worst case I've ever worked on, and that's including the one with a dog as a suspect."

"You... What?"

I sighed. "It's not important... Come on, let's see what the mission update says. If we're lucky, we're being transferred somewhere with a freakin' internet connection..."

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