Bruce Banner 61 & 62

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61. "That's a shine caused by love."
62. "A guy does something stupid once, that's because he's a guy. If he does the same stupid thing twice he's usually trying to impress some girl."

"What has you so happy, (Y/N)?" Natasha questioned with a smirk.

Blinking in surprise, the woman looked over in surprise. "Hm? Oh, nothing..."

"Come on, you can't hide anything from me, I'm your best friend." Pausing, she studied (Y/N) carefully. "Ohh, I see... That's a shine caused by love."

The other girl flushed. "Wh-what? No..."

"It's Banner, right? All those little 'clumsy accidents' when you're around suddenly make sense..."

"Nat, no... It-It's not like that. He just tries a little too hard sometimes."

"Oh honey," Natasha laughed, "A guy does something stupid once, that's because he's a guy. If he does the same stupid thing twice he's usually trying to impress some girl."

Still bright red, (Y/N) rushed to get out of the room and away from Nat's teasing. "You're dead wrong, Romanoff."

But part of her was tingly and warm at the thought that Banner could love her...

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