06: A new Friend

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"Y/n, let's go to my house. I'll get you cleaned up," She says with a kind smile and grabs your hand. She stands up trying to pull you up. You felt embarrassed. Your cheeks got painted with light pink. Jackie gets awkward and lets go of your hand. 

"Uhm...Can you stand up?" She questioned. You look down at your lower body and shook your head no. Jackie thought for a while then sighed. "Lemme do this for you," She said and suddenly grabs to your shoulder trying to stand you up. You went along with her and pushed your feet up to make you stand up. You grab on to her for support. You smiled with success. You looked around the beach amazed of seeing it in this view.

You look down at Jackie with a wide grin. Yes, I said down. You were about two inches taller than Jackie. Maybe three inches taller. Your height made her struggle to keep you up. "Y/n, You're pretty tall, can you keep yourself like this?" Jackie asked and moved her hand to your waist making it more comfortable for her. 

"I don't know...How do I move like humans?" You asked softly. Jackie looked at you weirdly and shrugged it off. "If you want to know how to walk then it's pretty easy. First, you have to put one leg forward than the other leg and ta-da! You're walking!" Jackie explained, demonstrating it to you. You followed along with her. It looks really easy. 

Jackie slowly lets go of you. Jackie smiles slowly nodding her head at how proud she is. You felt ready to walk by yourself. You let go of her and instantly lose balance on your legs and fall on your face. Jackie flinched and cringed, "Are you okay? It looked like it hurt," 

You brush off the sand out of your face. "I'm fine."

"I think we go now," She said and helped you to stand up again. She helped you walk to her house. You've never been in the position of a human. It's something you need to get used to. You soon got the rhythm of walking. It all had to do with balance. You learned fast and could be able to walk, but you needed Jackie by your side. 

Not much time later you had arrived at Jackie's home. It was modern and big. It had a nice front yard and lots of privacy.

 "This is your home?" You asked in amazement. Jackie blushed. "Yup it's my house." She smiled proudly.

"It looks so big...You live here alone?"

"Yup! All alone so it's a perfect place for peace although I do get lonely sometimes," She giggled trying to hide her hurt. 

You both enter the house. She had amazing decor and beautiful ceiling lights. She had lots of open space. She leads you to the living room area. She sits you down on her sofa. "Wait here, I'm going to bring some clothes for you," 

You nodded and sat awkwardly on the sofa. You studied the room. You admired everything. You were also confused about some things. What is the material? What kinda seating is this. What is this technology, You thought, stroking your hand on the white sofa. It was a soft fabric. Jackie arrives with a piece of clothing in her hands. She hands it to you.

"What is this" You cringed, still grabbing the peace of clothing. Of course, you didn't cringe at the shirt and pants but at the extra piece of clothing. "Its clothes put them on," She answered. You analyzed the bra and underwear. Your expression changed. You glance at Jackie and back to the clothing. Jackie realized, "You don't know what that is," You nod in agreement. Jackie takes a deep breath. 

"Who are you?" 

"That's quite a question to ask later Jackie," You replied. 

"Fine," Jackie whined, "This is a bra. We females wear them to cover our nipples. These are panties. Females wear them to cover our private area down here," She explained. You know got the point of the "Panties" But didn't understand the bra. You shook off the thought of it and put on the panties. You aren't that stupid, but the bra was confusing to you. Gladly Jackie was there to help. You put on a shirt and the soft shorts Jackie gave you. They were kinda small on you. 

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