51: Missing

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Ah~ it looks like a beautiful day today. The birds are chirping and the ocean makes it more relaxing. Jackie yawns getting up from her bed and drags herself to the kitchen and pours milk before cereal...The fuck.

Jackie takes her plate of cereal and hops on the couch and started to watch Netflix. A few minuted later Jackie started to notice that you weren't coming down.

Maybe she's with Jimin, She thought and continued watching the k drama. Sooner or later Jackie got bored and noticed you weren't coming home yet.

She tried to stay calm and still thought you were with Jimin until she got a text from Jungkook.

"Hey, babe It's our last day here unfortunately I will come for a visit to say our last goodbyes. We going to La this noon lol"

Jackie felt a little hurt but she knew it was coming. Moments there looking at the text without answering she widens her eyes and started freaking out.

"If Jimin is getting ready to go to LA then where's Y/n?"

She started calling you to make sure you were safe. No answer. She at least called you like 30 times with no success. Jackie throws the phone on the couch and starts looking around the house.

She started yelling things like "Y/n are you hiding?" or "Y/n come out it's not funny!" In an unsure voice. Things got serious when there was no sign of you. Jackie ran to grab her phone to call you one more time but no answer. She ran to her car and drove Tokyo drift to the hotel.

She needed to know if you were safe and there's nothing to freaking. She nervously sweats and she got to the elevator and pressed the button of the floor so impatiently.

One second of the elevator doors opening and she squished her way out one the elevator. She banged on Bangtan's door.

Yoongi opens the door and smiles when seeing Jackie.

"Hey, Jackie we were just coming over-"

"Is Y/n here?" She asked. Yoongi stood there confused and silent.

"I SAID IS Y/N HERE?" She repeated loudly that got everyone's attention inside. Yoongi stays there and looks at his members. Yoongi slowly turns back to her and nods no.

Jackie's face got plate as she saw a ghost. "If Y/n isn't here then where is she?" Jackie quickly ran to the elevator pressing on the button many times.

"IT'S SO FUCKING SLOW!" She yelled furiously. She looked at the end of the hallway and saw the door to the stairs. Jimin confused and scared stood up from his spot ad grabbed on Jackie's arms as she tried to take the stairs.




He asked coldly almost in a treating way as he glared at her. Jackie sighed and didn't answer as it was simple that she didn't know where you were. Jimin got furious and asked again shaking her arm aggressively. "I SAID WHERE IS Y/N!" He roared

"Jimin Hyung let her go," Jungkook says calmly as he separates the two.

"It's obvious that nobody knows where Y/n is, but let's calm down Y/n could be anywhere. She's a Siren she could be swimming in the ocean right now." Namjoon speaks making the situation somehow better.

"If that's the case I would have seen her last night but after she went in that date with Jimin I never saw her then"

Yoongi glares at Jimin. "Jimin what did you tell her?"

"Nothing important. She was talking more about herself but then I told her that we were leaving then-"

Taehyung cuts him off, "That's weird I told Sirena that we were leaving today, and ever since I told her that I never saw her again."

Everyone glances at Taehyung. "You mean she went missing?"

"Well I don't know"

"Let's look for Y/n all over the city. Let's split up it will be faster" Yoongi suggested. Everyone nods in agreement.

"What if we don't find Y/n?" Jungkook questioned. There was silence.

"Nothing. We can't do anything. She's gone." Yoongi lowers his head.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!? SHE COULD BE OUT THERE SCREAMING FOR HELP! LET'S GO" He yelled grabbing Yoongi's shoulders. He grabs Jackie's wrist and rushes down the stairs dragging her with him.

Jungkook follows him and so does Taehyung and everyone else.

"Jimin what are you doing? We don't know where to start!"

Jimin brushes his hand through his hair and puts his hands on his hips. "Alright then what do we do? What if Y/n was KIDNAPPED!"

"Jimin you need to calm down. What if Namjoon's right she could be at the mall or swimming with her sister." Jackie contributed. As the other catch up with them they sit down and think. Jimin got a little impatient over a while.

"Are just going to sit here and do nothing?" He says crossing his arm. Namjoon ignores him, "Jackie, have you tried to contact her in any form?"

"I've called her 30 times and got nothing from it" She answered.

"Okay, guys let's follow Yoongi plan and look around the area." He orders and everyone stand up and searched for you.

"Let's separate into groups. Me and Jackie will look near this area. Jimin and Yoongi will look around the beach. Taehyung and Hobi hyung will look at the nearest neighbors, Jin and Namjoon hyung will look at other stores."

"Wow Jungkook you sound smart for once"

"Thanks, Jackie........wait what-"

"Anyways, we'll just take what Jungkook said and begin before it gets dark."

The 8 of them officially started their search. Jimin and Yoongi start to look all over the beach but couldn't find any sign of you.

Y/n please be here somewhere

There was nothing to look at the beach. Just sand and ocean. Jimin was already starting to give up. He threw himself on the sand. He started punching the air.

"THIS IS MY FAULT!" He yelled.

"Y/n will be fine just have faith she's okay-"

"No, she's not Hyung I was stupid for letting her go by herself," Jimin says getting up from the sand.

"Y/N! Y/N!" He yelled your name to the ocean.

"Jimin quit down I don't want to gain attention."

"We can't just give up. I'm not leaving till I know Y/n is safe."

Yoongi sighed and walked away as Jimin continued to yell out your name but still got nothing from it. A few hours of searching everyone gathered back to the hotel lobby. Everyone was stressed about this.

"Y/n is missing. We need to rest if we want to have energy tomorrow. Tomorrow, we're going to going make conclusions and find Y/n." Namjoon says and everyone agrees.

Everyone's tried and tomorrow they'll come up with a plan to find you.

A/n: Unedited. Short Chapter lol

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