07: The mall

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You woke up by the sunlight entering your room and hitting your eyes. You weren't used to much light in your life. You put your hand in front of your eyes and turn around, avoiding the light. You weren't tired anymore, but you didn't want to get up from the comfy mattress. The door creaks open with Jackie coming in with a tray of breakfast. "Wake up sleepyhead," She says with her soft voice filling the room. You groaned and sat up. 

"I made you breakfast,"

You looked at the food she made you. "This is food. Not breakfast," You say. "Breakfast is the first thing you eat in the morning. It's the most important meal of the day!" She informs firmly. Something didn't feel complete. "Jackie, can I hear Jimin's song with no screaming?" You asked her. She agreed and put on Jimin's solos on Tv. You felt better but you didn't feel complete. You ate your food more comfortably hearing Jimin's voice. 

His soothing voice just made your heart flutter. You were happy to eat delicious food. You haven't eaten like this in years. Jackie was proud that you really like her food. Soon, you were finished with your meal. Jackie placed it at the side and you both listened to Jimin's music. 

"His voice is nice huh? Everyone falls in love with Jimin. He's everything! Something about him makes everyone blush. His voice makes everyone fall in love with him. He's the best..." Jackie comments suddenly. You thought about what she said.

Falling in love with his voice...we have something similar...

You agreed with her. Jackie then leaves you alone so she can take a shower. You get up from your bed and take the chance to look around your room. Exam the room and look around and admire the decor. You walk to the balcony. You are wowed by the beautiful view of the ocean. This is the human view. You somehow felt proud of yourself. 

"Y/N COME HERE!" Jackie called from the bathroom. You quickly snapped back to reality and belted to the bathroom almost falling. "Y/n, come and take a shower while I'm changing. We're going to the mall like we planned," She announced and left for her room. You were confused about how things worked. You walk towards the shower and turned it on. You flinched at the water suddenly coming out of the showerhead. You smelled like fish and felt dirty.

You stripped off your clothes and nervously walked inside the shower. You waited for a transformation but nothing happened. For the stake of the story, Y/n doesn't transform in showers. You grabbed a sope that smells similar to the ocean and rubbed yourself with it. You were happy touching the water as a human didn't feel any different though.

After your shower, you walked to Jackie's room with a towel wrapped around your body. You walk in while Jackie was doing her hair. "Oh, Y/n You're finished! I have a good dress for you to cover your scar," Jackie says. You remembered about your scar. Oh, My scar, You thought looking down at your scar. You forgot you had it for a while. It's very important to you so Jimin doesn't know you're a siren. Jackie gets up and shows you the dress.

The first layer of the dress was a sparkly see-through color and the second layer was the same solid color that covered down to the knees. It had small straps and a v line. 

You admired the dress and thought it was made for you. Jackie helps you put on the dress. "You look so beautiful Y/n," She said looking at you through the mirror. You smiled looking at yourself in the mirror. Jackie sits you down in her vanity.

She dries your hair and puts it in an h/s while you guys talk. "There how do you like it?" She asked.

"I Love it," You say, touching your hair softly. She smirks. "I know. Now let's go to the mall It's going to be so exciting!" She squealed in excitement. You look at all her things in her vanity. Jewelry, makeup, and more stuff. You were interested in her makeup. "What's this?" You asked, pointing to her makeup bag. "That's makeup. I use it to look pretty," Jackie answered. "But Jackie, You don't need it..." You say softly. Jackie blushes, "You think?" You nodded with a smile. 

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