57: Queen at last

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"Jimin's dead" Cried Jackie. You deeply stare at her. You slowly walked up to her. "No he's not" You said coldly and slowly. 

"WHERE IS HE?" You roared. 

"HE'S GONE!" Jackie yelled back. You felt you heart crash into pieces. Jimin is dead. He died. You could get that message into your head. 

You knew he wasn't dead. Something told you he wasn't dead but Jackie says other wise. "Y/n Jimin's not in this world anymore. I'm so sorry" Jackie hugged you. 

You cried on her shoulder. "No he isn't..." You sobbed quietly. You fell to the ground crying your eyes out. 

The words "Jimin's dead" shattered your heart. Those worlds were traveling in your mind. This must be a nightmare, You told yourself but it isn't. Your in the real world right now. 

Your tears blurred your vision. Jimin was everything to you now he's gone. Why you? You lost your sister and your Boyfriend at the same day.

"Y/n, do you want to go back? I will give you some time alone if you want." Jackie offered. You nodded and tried to walk to the door. 

You turned back to her once more and asked, "Are you still with Jungkook?" 

Jackie sighed, "No w-w-we b-broke up" Jackie stutter with pain in her voice. You felt sad for her. You turned away from her and left her house. 

You walk to the beach and did your thing and the painful transformation. You couldn't tell if Jimin was still alive. You didn't have your phone so you didn't know if Jimin was texting or calling you. 

You knew something was off. Jackie is hiding something from you but you couldn't tell at the moment since you were thinking a lot about Jimin. His smile, his laugh, his eyes, his lips, he deserved to live a longer life. 

You were swimming back to the castle where a older Siren called you. She was one of your servants. "Y/n come here!" She called. You swam to her direction. "Your majesty, you'll have to get ready for the coronation"

"Coronation? No one told me about any Coronation!" You yelled. 

"Well, mam it's the only way you'll become the official queen-"

"I'M AM ALREADY QUEEN! I WON'T GO TO ANY STUPID CORONATION! I already rule the whole ocean and everyone must follow my rules..." You said aggressively. The old siren flinched and swam away. 

You sat on the throne of the large place and took the crown and placed it on your head. You look forward with a intimidating look.

"I rule this Ocean...I'm the Queen...." You said to yourself. You look beside you to find another chair but this one's almost gone. Only half of the chair was there. 

You imagine how it look like before. There were to chairs for two rulers. Jimin was suppose to sit there, You thought lowering your head. 

Jimin is one of us

"I don't need anyone to tell me that i'm queen...." You felt like you wanted to say something else but decided not to as a good choice.

A few years later

It's been years since Jimin's death. You don't know anything about BTS but you know that Jackie is now a celebrity and it's been going on tours. You couldn't spend so much time with her. 

You've been busy ruling you kingdom. It was harder then you thought but at the same time you You really wanted to see Jackie. 

Cyrus and Safari have noticed this behavior of yours where you feel weak and depressed. They knew why and wanted to make this up to you. 

"Your majesty..." A female voice echoed on the empty dark castle where you were at. You turned to where the voice came from at stared at her with those deep blue bright eyes. 


"Can we talk? My queen?"

"Sure...What is it...?"

"I've noticed that you've been feeling...uhm....lonely..."She squealed, unsure of her words. You stayed silent and it made her nervous. "I mean like I feel you may need more time in land with your friend.

You sighed, "You're right. I should go visit Jackie. If she's even there.

"I mean we were discussing this issue and we decided that it's okay if you leave us. We learned a lot from you. Go find the man you love we all know he's still alive

No he isn't

Now with years passing you've learned that Jimin's still dead but that thought was in the back of your head. You've never want to think of him ever again but at times he'll come back and the sweet memories you had with him. Good times.

But you haven't been with Jimin that long enough. You only have limited memories.

You sighed again, "You're right. I need to spend more time in land."

You swam away after to the area where Jackie's house is located and hoped she'll be home. It's been a while since you turned into a human and forgot all the pain you felt. 

You sneak in into Jackie's house and grab the clothes that were still in there and put them on. You quietly opened the door and tip toed down stair following a sweet voice humming a song. 

There you saw Jackie drinking tea on her phone not noticing you were behind her. You softly tapped on her shoulder making her jump and choked on her tea.

"I'm sorry.." You say quietly.

"Y/n?" She turned around, "What are you doing here? I haven't seen you since forever!" She squealed and jumped on you for a hug.

One different thing about her is that she grew out her hair. Her old wavy short hair was gone and turned into long straight hair. 

"Y/n I'm so happy you're here!"

"Me too! The thing is I've been wanting to visit land once again." You say, looking around the room. 

"Well, I was gonna say if you want to go one tour with me? Maybe we can get to go to Korea and you see new things"

You really thought about it for a moment. Do you really want to leave your people? Safari said that it was okay for you to leave. You hoped that they would be fine on their own. They have changed. You taught them knew things though out the years that some weren't able to learn.

You slowly nodded your head. Jackie quickly jumped up and down flying in the air. 

"OMG THIS IS SO EXCITING IT'S GOING TO BE OUR FIRST TIME IN KOREA" She squealing so hard. "Thank you for coming with me. I won't get to go alone Thank you thank you thank you thank you-" 

You covered her mouth. "Okay..." 

You felt excited and anxious. Going to another country by flying is new to you and you don't know how to people there are. You'll just have to wait and see.

A/n: Unedited. I'm so glad to be posting again. Not me posting this in school but I'm excited to be finishing this maybe the next week or after. I'll be editing this a little later.

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