09: I hate this Job

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You lazily walk to the kitchen, not wanting to go out again and making the same mistake that happened yesterday at the mall. Murdering. What can you do? That's what you do. It's your nature. For the memory of your people.

"Y/n you're awake," Jackie says softly, smiling from the kitchen counter. You rub your eyes, remain with your emotionless Expression. "I want you to put this on. It's the uniform for my job," Jackie started, pulling out a black short dress with pockets and see-through high-thigh socks. You were confused. What is the job she's talking about?

"What is this?" You asked rudely. It was totally not your day. Your mood was not the best.

"It's a waitress uniform."

What is a waitress? What's a uniform? You thought. You didn't understand anything. You didn't have this stuff back at home. Your confusion showed o your face. "You don't know what that is right?"

You nodded yes. "Just put on the uniform and I'll teach you as we get there."

You obeyed her words. The uniform wasn't comfortable. It itched your skin. Later, you two arrived at the restaurant. You had NO idea what this place was. Once you enter the restaurant all the employees had eyes on you.

"This is a restaurant. People come to eat here. It's not much really." She explained while walking inside the bar place. "Your job here is to Take orders, Give food, and give the bill. A sever." Jackie grinned, leaning on the counter of the bar. 

You have no idea what she meant but nodded to pretend you understood.

"Be nice to the customers. Now let us go meet the manager." You followed her inside a small office. "Manager, we got a new employee. Her name is Y/n." Jackie introduced with excitement. 

The Manager looked at you will strange eyes. You glare at him. "Hello, Y/n. It's nice to see a new face around," He said in a creepy voice. Your both cringe and walked out of the room. "Sorry for my manager," Jackie said with a pity giggle.

"No need to apologize" You reply and started to work. The door ringed and revealed the first customers.

"Okay, Y/n first customer." Jackie pointed at the couple that just entered. They sat down on one of the seats. Jackie gave you a piece of paper & pen and pushed you forward to where the couple sat at. Jackie observed from behind.

You nervously walk and stood at the front of the table. "W-what would you like to eat?" You asked with a shaky voice. The couple looked at the menus that were given already at the tables. "Hmm...I would like a coke to drink...uh a small bowl of macaroni & cheese." The lady answered.


You stood there. Not knowing what you're supposed to write. On the paper, you wrote "coke to drink. Macaroni n cheese". You had the handwriting of a kid. What made it worse is that you push the pen really hard. *Sigh* "What would you like sir," You said most nicely. You were so done. This is so difficult.

He looks at you up and down, "I would like meatloaf and some water. That's all" He finished and you were almost done writing.


"Your order will be here in a minute," You say, putting on a fake awkward smile. You walked away as quickly as possible to Jackie. "Was it that difficult?" She asked. You stayed silent and gave her the paper. "Uh..."

"You can't read it can you?"

"No no, I can read it. I'll be back in a minute. Meanwhile, go take these orders to table 6," Jackie ordered. Jackie gave you a tray of food. You struggled to keep your balance but make it to the table. You walk to the table where 5 men were sitting at. You nicely and peacefully handed them their meal but you didn't like the look they were giving you. They were disgustingly looking at you.

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