26: Song

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"Okay, here I go..." Jackie took a big breath before starting. She grabs the microphone behind her. "You can do this. I can do this" She told herself. The music starts playing and she starts to sing. She was nervous at first then got the hang of it and sang her heart out.

You wish you were this confident singing in front of people. You look at everyone's faces and they were shocked. They didn't know Jackie hold so much talent within her.

When the song finished, Jackie fell down in exhaustion. She was breathing heavily. She slowly got herself up and looks at all of their faces.

"I know it wasn't that good." She looks down. Jungkook's face went to a shocked one into a happy one. "What do you mean!? It was amazing!"

Jackie's face lights up with Joy.

"We're speechless Jackie"

You smile seeing everyone going up to compliment her voice. You couldn't get up from your spot. Your wrist starts to hurt. You try to let yourself go from the rope but you failed each time. The was really tight on your wrist. "Fuck this" you whispered to yourself.


You look up at Taehyung. He was giggling at you.

"What's so funny?" You glared at him.

"Can you sing?" he smirked. You froze. You didn't want to lie and if you told the truth he would ask you to sing and the problem starts there.


He raises his eyebrow at you. "I-I have no talents. I'm a talentless twat. Nope, I can't sing..." Everyone's eyes were on you.

"Sing for me Y/n" He pouts. You shook your head. He smirked and came closer. "Sing for Jimin" He whispered in your ear.

"Fine...Please untie me?"

Yoongi sighed and untied you. You rubbed your wrist in relief. Taehyung gives you the microphone.

"What's this?"

"It's called a microphone. You sing into it and your voice comes out through those speakers." She points to the speakers. You tap on the microphone then screamed into it. You cover your ears.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT" Yoongi yells. You shrugged your shoulders.

"What do I sing? I can't sing the Siren Song." You asked Jackie. "Sing another song...sing one of your favorite songs like...Selfish by Madison Beer. You really love that song."

You nodded and slowly walked to the front. You were nervous about what if you cause a disaster.

ok ok just relax Y/n it's going to be ok. They won't be hypnotized just stay under control.

The music started. You opened your mouth but nothing came out. "I'm sorry I can't do this."

"No no no please for me..." Taehyung begged with puppy eyes. How can you say no to that? The music started again.

Just focus Y/n. Everything will be fine.

You closed your eyes and began to sing.

Everyone was shocked to hear the angelic voice. You imagined singing on an ocean rock at midnight. Singing to the moon. Like the days back then you would sing your sisters or like how you sang in that abandoned shipwreck you hung out a lot. You would brush your hair with your fingers but as you opened your eyes that smile you had faded away.

You blush in embarrassment. "and you said you can't sing"

"I-I" You were surprised that he was normal. "You sounded like an angel Y/n. That was amazing."

You didn't care about the compliments. You already knew how good you were. You got a compliment from everyone expect Jimin. You saw that he was breathing heavily like he was in pain. He didn't even make a noise how would he be hurt?

Everyone left the house. You went to your room. You immediately went to sleep. You didn't want to stay awake any longer. This day was the WORST you had in years.

You opened your eyes and look at the sun. "fuck..."

You got up and got ready. You took a quick shower and dressed up nicely even though you had nowhere to go and nothing to do. You already knew you fucked up with Jimin but what if it was someone else. How even are they going to be in the kitchen? Jackie asked you if you would like to go out with her and bang. You agreed of course since you have nothing better to do. Both of you walked into a diner where you were supposed to meet. Once you two got there Jackie quickly runs up to see Jungkook and you follow behind.

You awkwardly sat next to those two alone and single. You have to sit there and listen to them while you eat your banana split. "Y/n can we talk?" You look up at Jimin sitting across from you. "In private..."

You sighed and nodded. You follow him in the back of the building where no one's allowed. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I d-didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I-I was just scared and mad." He looks down in embarrassment.

"If I forgive you, you wouldn't say ANYTHING rude to me"


"I forgive you"


Jimin picks you up hugging you as tight as he could. You laugh with him and you two walk back inside the diner. "What were you two doing out?" Jackie said smirking raising her eyebrow at me.

"The last time I checked you two were fighting. Are you dating?" Hoseok asked. Jimin blushed and you when confused. "What's dating?.."

Jackie's facepalmed. "You know what Y/n sit down, lets have a talk" You both of you (You and Jimin) Were about to sit down. Jimin stopped and he felt on what should be a gun behind his head.

Everyone gasped, you turned around to see who they were staring at.


A/n: Late chapter...and short. I will update tomorrow sorry guys. I was busy on some things but anyways this I what your outfit looks like:

 I was busy on some things but anyways this I what your outfit looks like:

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