14: Aquarium

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You woke up by the sound of waves. The peaceful sound said its going to be a good day. You walk down stairs. Wearing a blue dress. You saw Jackie on her phone bored.

"Hey Jackie" You said coming down the stairs.

"Good morning"

You sat next to her and turned the TV on and started watching some dramas. They good Hollywood movies. The kissing parts disturb Jackie but you thought it was interesting.

It was really boring and you two didn't know what to do. You suddenly hear a knock on the door. You opened the door. Jungkook was standing there holding 9 tickets. You saw the others behind him.

"Would you like to go to the aquarium with us." Jungkook said with his bunny smile. Jackie walked to the door. "Sure we would like to go. Right Y/n" She looked at you.

You had now idea what a Aquarium was. "Yeah.."

"Alright then lets go"

You and Jackie Grabbed your purses.

"Wait how are we all going to fit in here? This is a car only for seven people" Namjoon said.


"They just have to said in our laps." Jungkook laughed meaning what he said. The other start hitting him.

You look at Jackie Blushing like heck.

"Y/n you'll sit next to Jimin because he's the tiniest and Jackie will next to Suga because he's the second tiniest." Jin said.

"HEY I'm taller then yoongi Hyung"

"Jimin you must admit that you wear heels" Yoongi said not giving a crap about his height. You two got in the car.

You where now super squished next to Jimin. It was very awkward. You got out your phone trying to get away from the boredom but what can you expect. You don't have many apps or no pictures to look at.

You sighed and just enjoyed the awkward car ride to the aquarium.

You guys arrived and stretched in freedom.

"This was a nice car ride was it Jimin" Taehyung teased.

"At least I got a girl" Jimin said in such sass.

"Hey that's not far. She's mine." Taehyung said not meaning anything. He took your arm and you all walked into the aquarium.

You look at you surroundings and smiled. The blue atheistic and the fishes painted everywhere it was called home. You were all officially in the aquarium and Taehyung still was hold your arm. Y'all entered the fresh water section of the aquarium.

"Y/n You look so happy Is there a reason?" Taehyung asked.

"It just feels like home." You smiled.

"You live very close To the sea huh"


You and Taehyung laughed and joked while watching the fishes. Jimin glared at You two.

"Y/n Come her" Jackie Called. You run to her. Letting go of Taehyung. "Y/n sit her"

You sat next to her and looked down at the pool of string rays. You looked at the other people touching the string rays. You put your hand in the water.

Everyone gasped when all the sting rays came to you. "Wow I didn't know you were so close to sting rays" Jackie said.

"MOM NOT FAIR WHY CAN SHE HAVE THEM ALL. I WANT THEM. MOOOOMMMM" A little girl cried and so did her brother. You and Jackie continued petting the Sting rays.

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