45: Fear

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"Where are you taking her?"

"To the ocean. Where she can swim freely."

Sirena lifts you up and takes outside.

"αύριο, θα επέστρεφε σπίτι μαζί μας και όλοι θα ήμασταν ευτυχείς. (tomorrow, he would come home with us and we would all be happy.)" The girl mumbles, "Θα βρούμε τη φωνή της και θα την σώσουμε (We will find her voice and save her)"

"What did she say?" They all ask. The boy hesitated to speak. He thought that if he told them they would beg you to stay and you wouldn't go back with them.

"She didn't say anything." He says and grabs his sister's hand and leaves.

"Those kids..."

"You must go it late. You must be tried." Jackie giggles nervously.

"She's right well all need to rest," Namjoon said. They all agreed to each other.

The next morning, You were better than yesterday but weaker than normal. You did nothing but play with a ball all morning and had a great meal for breakfast. You weren't in a great mood, you were mad about losing your voice.

Everyone from last night came to the house. and gathered up at the dinner table except you. You continued to play with your ball.

"Okay let's start from the begging. Who are you?" Namjoon said like the leader he is.

Sirena sighed, "My name is Sirena the 6th princess of Talahara and this is Y/n the 7th princess. We are a species of mermaids called Sirens." she explained.

"Any more questions?"

"Uh...What are Sirens...?"

"Sirens are creatures that lure sailors into their death," Sirena smirked. "Is that the answer you're looking for?"

"Is Jackie a Siren too?" Jungkook asked. Jackie shook her head. "I'm 100% human"

"Your majesty, we're here!" The boy said, slamming the front door opened.

"Perfect! What are your names?"

"My name is Cyrus and my sister Safari. We got the spears you asked." He says giving a spear to Sirena. "Alright boys, I need to go now. Questions later. Oh, I want to if you give me your best men." She says.

"Um, you can have Yoongi and Jungkook. Both great in fights." Jackie winked.

"Hey, why not me? I wanna go!" Taehyung whined.

"No! You're a baby. I can't have people like you!" Sirena said grabbing both Yoongi and Jungkook's wrist and dragged them.

Taehyung smirked, "Well you wouldn't want them to know would you." He said looking at his nails. Sirena froze.

What is she hiding?

You thought looking at her. "Fine...just don't do anything stupid."

"Your majesty, we can't have him come. We don't need stupid humans like him."

Jungkook and Yoongi laughed.

"Watch your mouth kid!" Tae growled. Kinda hot not gonna lie.

Sirena sighed. "Let's just go," She said as everyone left, "Y/n," You instantly looked up at her, "Don't go out. Stay in and rest of you she can get aggressive don't fear just lock her in a room." She says and leaves with no hesitation.

The smile on your face faded away.

Fear.....I'm that dangerous to them. I'm going to kill those mermaids I swear.

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