Chapter Three

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Elliot got Olivia settled upstairs, in his bed, before going downstairs and looking through the contacts on his phone. He knew that he had to call Alex so she wouldn't worry, especially because Olivia was such an important part of her life. Honestly, Olivia was an incredibly important part of everyone'a lives. She was the glue that held the friend group together, and the glue that helped to patch up Elliot's heart.

"Alexandra Cabot." Alex hiccuped into the phone. Elliot frowned as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.

"Alex, it's Elliot." Elliot spoke calmly.

"I don't want to talk to you right now, Elliot!"

"Well, we don't have to talk. But you should know that Olivia is here with me. She's upstairs sleeping and I'm in my living room. She kissed me, but I stopped her because she's emotional and exhausted. You aren't welcomed here right now, but you can come over in the morning to see her." Elliot spoke, as he tried to not show his anger towards Alex.

"I really doubt you stopped her!" Alex cried.

"I swear to god that I didn't hurt her, Alex. You did it this time." Elliot spat before hanging up. He ran his hands over his face before drawing in a sharp breath.

His phone vibrated against his leg, and he hesitantly reached down and flipped it over. He read the message from Alex before standing slowly.

I'm sorry that I got angry at you. Please tell me where you live so I can see her and bring her home.

Elliot thought for a moment before sending Alex his address before locking his phone.

He was being the good guy. And he was hoping Alex would notice so she might start approving of him being around Olivia.


Sleeping on the couch wasn't the most comfortable for Elliot. But he got enough sleep to still wake up before Olivia did. He didn't know when her next shift at the hospital was, and he was hoping she wasn't sleeping through it as he made her breakfast in the rarely used kitchen.

At around 7 in the morning, Alex showed up and knocked on the door a few times as Elliot finished up what he was doing. Eventually he went and answered it after making Alex anxious about what might have changed overnight.

"Where is she?" Alex breathed, as she walked around the living room and searched for any signs of Olivia.

"She's still sleeping upstairs. And she didn't tell me if she had to work this morning or not, so I'm letting her sleep." Elliot explained. He ran his hand over the back of his neck as he followed Alex up the stairs.

She opened the first door to only find a bunch of junk, before heading down to the room that Olivia and Elliot shared when they were together.  She opened the door before finding Olivia all bundled up under the blankets with her head laying on Elliot's pillow.

"She's alive and untouched. Nothing happened." Elliot signed, before he turned and left Alex with Olivia.


Olivia woke up to someone caressing her hair. She opened her eyes slowly, and found that she wasn't at the hospital nor at home. But the room was familiar, and after a few moments she realized she had decorated this room and she figured out exactly where she was.

"El?" Olivia breathed before seeing Alex as she was forcibly rolled over.

"We need to talk." Alex breathed, tears already welling in her eyes.

From the moment they met, Alex and Olivia clicked. They were best friends and did everything together. They fought, but usually made up within an hour or so. But this fight was different. Olivia ran off without telling Alex where she was going, and completely ignored calls and texts. It was hard on both of them, but this was a fight that had to happen. Alex needed to realize that Elliot wasn't a bad guy anymore. They he truly just wanted to help.

"What are you doing here?" Olivia questioned quietly.

"I had been up all night looking for you. You are my best friend and I was scared to death that you got into an accident or something. Not only do I love you so very much, but I also love that baby and I couldn't stand the thought of losing you both." Alex sniffled. Olivia sat up before climbing out of bed slowly.

"You were a bitch to me last night." Olivia spoke strongly.

"I know... and I'm so very sorry. Please, Liv, forgive me." Alex begged. 

"It's not gonna be that easy, Alexandra. You have always said mean things about Elliot, and I want that to stop. I also need you to promise me to have a more open mind towards the idea of Elliot being involved in my pregnancy and the life of my baby." Olivia spoke, as she grabbed her bag before grabbing her clean pair of scrubs from it. She started or change in front of Alex as her best friend spoke.

"I promise, Liv. I still hate him... but I'll give him a shot if it means that much to you." Alex breathed.

"Next time... I'm not coming back..."


Even if they made up, Olivia felt off all day. She was getting some sort of hot flashes and horrible heart burn all day. She also felt a bit dizzy and had to catch herself a few times when she turned corners or turned around too quickly. While doing an hourly check on one of her patients, Olivia started to feel worse and fainted right on the spot.

Alex was called since she was Olivia's emergency contact, and Alex called Elliot out of love for Olivia.

"Do they know what happened?" Elliot asked, as he and Alex quickly made their way to where Olivia was supposed to be.

"They wouldn't tell me much more than the fact she fainted... She gets dizzy spells sometimes, and her face gets all flushed and stuff... but she won't tell her doctor. She's stubborn." Alex frowned.

"I guess Olivia hasn't changed as much as I thought she had then..."

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