Chapter Eleven

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Elliot followed Rory to the small station that he was being cleaned up on. Elliot examined the little boy and smiled as he noticed how much Rory looked like his mother. From the hair to his little nose. He was perfect in every way, and Elliot couldn't wait to see this baby grow up. He couldn't wait to find out what he was going to be like as he grows up.

"How is he doing, El?" Olivia croaked out from where she was getting examined.

"He's amazing, Olivia. He's going to be a heartbreaker." Elliot smiled. He turned and looked over his shoulder and smiled at Olivia. She smiled tiredly back at him, before looking at Alex.

"Can you go and tell everyone that Rory is here? That he weighs eight pounds and six ounces and is twenty-two inches long." Olivia smiled.

"They are all going to be angry," Alex spoke, as she gently caressed Olivia's hair.

"What?" Olivia asked with wide eyes.

"They are going to be angry that they didn't win the pool. We all had bets on how big your baby would be, and I won." Alex smiled. She leaned down and kissed Olivia's forehead gently before leaving the room.

Elliot moved back to Olivia's side, and he gently took the wet washcloth and cleaned up her forehead and cheeks.

"How are you doing?" Elliot asked gently.

"I'm not feeling great... but I'm happy. I have you and Rory... it's amazing." Olivia grinned tiredly.

"Olivia, you tore a bit. So I'm going to have to give you stitches. Elliot, why don't you hold Olivia's hand and keep her distracted." Dr. Manson spoke.

"O-okay... uh, Rory has your nose." Elliot smiled.

"Really?" Olivia breathed a bit.

"He's beautiful, Liv."


Alex walked down the hall and to the waiting room. The room was filled with family members waiting to hear the good news about a new life that had just come Earthside. Among those waiting were the many people there for Olivia.

"Guys." Alex smiled, as she approached the group. Casey, Trevor, Rafael, and Brian all turned to look at Alex. They had all met in high school, and when Elliot brought Olivia around she was quickly accepted into their friend group. Then when Elliot and Olivia's relationship ended, they chose Olivia over Elliot without thinking twice.

"The baby is here?" Casey asked, as she stood and quickly moved to Alex. Alex looped her arm through Casey's before leading her back to their group.

"He is. Rory Alexander Benson was born about half an hour ago. He weighs eight pounds and six ounces, and he is twenty-two inches long." Alex smiled.

"I'm excited about the baby, but I lost a lot of money to you!" Trevor grumbled. They laughed softly, before standing and all hugging.

Finally, Olivia's baby was there. They had a nephew that they could spoil rotten, and that was their plan.

"So can we see them?" Brian asked, and Alex shook her head.

"Not yet. Olivia is getting examined and Rory is getting cleaned up. I'll come and get you all when she's ready." Alex spoke. She gave them all one last hug, before heading back to Olivia's room. 

"What did they say?" Olivia smiled, as she kept glancing between Alex and where Rory was getting cleaned up. She wanted to be with her son so badly, but she was in so much pain from the birth that she knew she wouldn't be moving much for the next day or longer.

"They are excited. Brian asked if they could come in and see you two, but I had to tell him no. And I think we need to figure out a way to tell them that you and Elliot are together. That he is going to be Rory's dad." Alex spoke. Olivia looked up at her boyfriend, and he sighed softly.

"I'll go do it... hopefully I won't get my ass kicked."


They took the news of Olivia and Elliot being together much better than expected. And once Elliot was done telling them, Olivia and Rory were ready for visitors. For two hours straight, Olivia's friends passed her son around and got to talk to the small baby and tell him how adorable he was. Then they left, and Alex did too. Elliot and Olivia were the only two left in the room with Rory.

"So, do you think Hanson is going to find out?" Elliot asked quietly, from where he sat beside Olivia's bedside. He was giving her space to hold and bond with her baby.

"I'm going to call him and tell him... he deserves to know about our son. But no matter what happens, you will be the main man in Rory's life. He will grow up with you in his life. He'll look up to you." Olivia smiled, as she ran her finger over her son's back.

"Do you have his number? I can grab your phone and you can call him. I need to run and get something to eat." Elliot spoke. Olivia nodded slowly, before pointing at her purse. Elliot dug through her messy purse before pulling out her phone.

He unlocked it before scrolling through Olivia's contacts until he came upon Hanson's name. He hit it, before passing the phone to Olivia.

Olivia held the phone to her ear, as Elliot left the room quietly. She listened to it ring before it was finally picked up.

"Olivia?" Hanson's voice spoke. Olivia could hear that he was shocked because they hadn't talked since he got transferred. She didn't even know if he read the letters, emails, or texts that told him about her pregnancy.

"Hey, Hanson. Uh, are you free to talk for a little bit?" Olivia asked.

"I'm about to go into surgery."

"Okay. I'll make this quick then." Olivia breathed, as she felt her son's small hand move across her chest.

"Olivia, are you okay?" Hanson breathed.

"Today I gave birth to our son. Rory Alexander Benson... he's beautiful. My boyfriend asked me if I wanted to call you, and I wanted to call you to just let you know that you have a son. If you don't want anything to do with him, then I understand. But if you want to at least meet him, then I'm at our hospital."

"We have a son." Hanson breathed.

"You should go to surgery. I'm going to send you a picture of Rory and we can talk later."

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