Chapter Twenty-Three

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Their marriage got better as Elliot and Olivia went to therapy. They talked about their childhoods and how a lot of pent up anger led to them being angry and silent towards each other. But as the weeks went by, they talked more and their lives grew loud and happy once again.

"Mama will be home soon, Rory." Elliot cooed softly, late one night. Olivia was on her way home from a seventy-two hour shift and both of her boys were excited to see her.

"I miss Mama." Rory yawned, as he snuggled his head into the crook of his father's neck.

"I do too, Rory. But she'll be home any second now, and then we can all go to bed." Elliot cooed softly. He swayed back and forth with his son in his arms until the headlights of Olivia's van lit up the living room for a few seconds.

"Mama." Rory yawned, as he leaned back a bit and looked out the window.

"Yeah, bean. Mama is finally home." Elliot smiled. He went into the kitchen and opened the door into the garage. Olivia walked around the van and frowned as she looked at her husband and son.

"Hey." She breathed.

"What's wrong?" Elliot asked, as Olivia reached out and took Rory into her arms and snuggled him close.

"I have news. I don't know if it's bad or good news." Olivia frowned.

"Are you pregnant?" Elliot smiled, since he and his wife had been trying for the past few months and every test that Olivia took came back negative.

"No, I'm not pregnant. But Elliot... your father was rushed into the ER today because he was throwing up blood. They found tumors in his stomach, throat, and all over his liver." Olivia spoke.

"How did you find that out? You are a pediatric nurse." Elliot breathed, as his eyes filled with tears.

"I was downstairs helping out with a sick kid, when they rushed him in and one of the doctors asked me if I was related to him." Olivia frowned. Elliot swallowed hard before frowning deeply.

"I don't care." Elliot spoke.


"You know how I feel about that piece of absolute shit. I don't love him or care about him. So if he dies, he dies." Elliot spoke.

"Okay then." Olivia spoke. She looked at her husband for a moment before leaning close and pecking his lips softly.

"You must be tired and hungry." Elliot spoke, and Olivia shrugged.

"Mostly tired. And Rory needs to go to sleep. Let's go inside."


Olivia and Elliot got ready for bed after laying Rory down. Elliot had made his day off the same day Olivia got off after her super long shift.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" Elliot asked, as he climbed into bed beside his wife.

"I'm assuming that my plans don't matter because whenever Rory will be sleeping, you are going to want to try for a baby." Olivia smiled.

"Well, yeah. But Olivia, what else should we do?" Elliot asked, and Olivia was too tired to stop herself from speaking what was on her mind.

"Let's go see your father." Olivia spoke. Elliot's eyes went wide as he stared at his wife.

"Are you fucking asleep already?" Elliot mused.

"No... El-"

"Why can't you just drop everything and let things die around here?"


"Dude, I'm not seeing him. If he doesn't want to apologize for treating me like shit for my whole life, then I don't want anything to do with him. He's an absolute piece of shit." Elliot growled.

"I know that he is, but baby-"

"I'm going to go sleep downstairs tonight. Why don't you forget about what you saw tonight and be ready to not talk about him tomorrow." Elliot huffed. He climbed out of bed before raking his fingers through his hair.


While Olivia was upstairs changing Rory before putting him down for his nap, someone showed up at the house. Elliot was expecting it to be Alex, but instead Elliot stood face to face with his older brother.

"David." Elliot breathed.

"We need to talk, kid." David frowned.

"I'm not a kid anymore. I'm five years shy of forty and I'm married." Elliot huffed.

"Chill, Elliot. We just need to talk."

"No." Elliot huffed.

"Dad has cancer. He needs all his kids around him right now." David frowned. Elliot laughed bitterly before shaking his head.

"I don't even think he considers me his kid! I'm a rape baby!" Elliot yelled, and as those words left his mouth he could hear his wife quickly start to head downstairs.

"What?" David sighed, thinking his brother was just being dramatic. As they were growing up, all of Elliot's siblings really thought that he deserved what he was getting from their father. Joseph always told them stories to make it seem like the abuse was justified.

"Dad raped mom! If he hadn't raped her and gotten her pregnant with me, then you guys might still have a mother! He blames me for her death, when it was his fault all along. I don't know why you all think he is a saint or something after he abused us all! Not just me!" Elliot yelled.

"What's happening?" Olivia asked softly, as she walked to the front door.

"Liv, go back inside." Elliot sighed.

"No, what is happening? Why are you yelling?" Olivia demanded, as she pushed her husband to the side so that she could see who was causing her husband to be so freaking pissed off.

"This is your wife? Wow." David spoke, as he looked Olivia up and down.

"Who are you and why are you making my husband angry?" Olivia demanded.

"I'm David Stabler, his eldest brother... our father has cancer and I'm here to bring Elliot to the hospital to see him. See if he can help at all with donating-"

"David, thank you for thinking of your brother for probably the first time in the thirty-five years he has been alive. But we don't want to help Joseph. We don't want to be contacted again by any of you. So please, get off of our deck before I get angry." Olivia urged, as she grabbed her husband's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"He lost his wife because-" David started, but Olivia laughed and shook her head.

"Elliot didn't kill your mother. If your father hadn't raped her, this wouldn't have happened. So leave. Now."

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