Chapter Twelve

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Olivia sent Elliot home to get some sleep, while she spent more time with Rory and tried to sleep too. Olivia had a hard time falling asleep for many reasons. She was in pain, she couldn't take her eyes off of Rory, and she was thinking about Hanson. She was wondering if he'd call back or even come to visit her and their baby. Or if he'd just leave them alone. Olivia didn't want Rory to grow up wondering why he didn't look like his father, so Olivia wanted Rory to know that he has two dads. One that was raising him, and the one that helped create him.

"Olivia, are you up for a visitor?" A nurse asked as she came into Olivia's room. Olivia adjusted her blanket to cover her chest while she nursed Rory, before nodding slowly.

"All ready." Olivia smiled tiredly. The nurse left her room before letting a tall man into the room. Olivia swallowed hard as tears welled in her eyes.

"Hey, Olivia," Hanson spoke gently, as he walked into the room with a bouquet of white daisies. 

"I didn't expect to see you..." Olivia trailed off, as she looked back down at her son. She could tell that Rory was getting close to falling asleep, so she shifted him to her shoulder and started to burp him as Hanson sat down.

"I got halfway through my surgery before passing it off to one of my colleagues... I got on a train and got here as fast as I could." Hanson smiled softly.

"You didn't have to do that... we aren't going anywhere for a few days." Olivia yawned, as she patted her son's back until he burped. Then she pushed herself up and figured out where she could lay her son while she did up her gown.

"Can I hold him?" Hanson asked, and Olivia nodded hesitantly.

"You can... but I need you to wash your hands first. I can't even stand thinking about having him get an infection in his umbilical stump or catching a cold before he's even a day old." Olivia spoke.

"Copy that." Hanson smiled. He sat the flowers down before moving over to wash his hands. Olivia waited for Hanson to come over before laying her son in his arms. 

"You know that you don't have to hide your chest. I've seen it plenty of times before." Hanson spoke, and Olivia sighed softly as he kept his eyes trained on the baby boy in his arms.

"You aren't allowed to see my chest anymore, Hanson. I have a boyfriend, he and Rory are the only two men that are allowed to see my boobs." Olivia replied with a sigh. She pulled the sheets up after she got her gown secured again before looking over at her son and his father.

"Olivia, I tried my hardest to completely forget about you. Forget about what we had... because we both weren't ready for anything more than just sleeping together. You were still getting over your ex, and I couldn't get over the fact that you were my nurse."

"I never got over my ex... that's why he's my boyfriend." Olivia spoke.

"What?" Hanson frowned.

"Elliot is going to help me raise Rory. You can be involved, but Elliot is his father too. You can't change that because you weren't with me when I needed you."


Two days after Rory was born, Olivia and the small boy were released from the hospital. Elliot drove them home, and he made sure to take it slow enough that neither Olivia nor Rory got jostled.

"Are you ready for it to just be you, Rory, and me? Occasionally Alex and Casey?" Elliot asked as he parked beside his truck. 

"I'm a little scared, El. Like... I've taken care of babies before. But this is different. Rory is healthy and my baby... it was two days before that he was still inside of me... but now he's here and we are in charge of him." Olivia frowned. Elliot turned around and looked at her before smiling.

"Liv, we've got this." Elliot smiled.

They got out of the car and slowly went inside. Olivia went to take a shower and tried to figure out how to tell her boyfriend that Hanson wanted to be involved. That he wanted to try and be a father to Rory. Olivia didn't even tell Elliot that Hanson had shown up at the hospital to see her after she called.

"Hey, are you busy?" Elliot asked from outside their closed bedroom door. 

"Does Rory need to be fed?" Olivia asked, from where she was sitting on the bed and brushing her hair out. She had tried to do it while standing in the bathroom, but she felt sick to her stomach from standing too long. She knew that her recovery might be hard, but she didn't expect it to be this hard right now.

"He does. And I wanted to check in on you. Is it okay if I come in?" Elliot asked.

"This is our room, Elliot. We share it. Come on in." 

Elliot opened the door and smiled at Olivia as he carried little Rory over to her. He took the brush into his free hand, as he passed Rory to Olivia. Then he took over brushing her hair out.

"El?" Olivia questioned, as she settled into a more comfortable position as she started to nurse her son.

"Yeah?" Elliot questioned as he looked at her hair and had to figure out where his girlfriend usually parts it.

"Hanson showed up at the hospital after I called him..."

"He did?" Elliot asked as a frown settled onto his lips.

"He did... he told me that he wants to be apart of Rory's life. He wants to be his father."


"Elliot, I want Rory to know him. To love him."

"Do you want to be with Hanson? To make things easier in the long run?" Elliot asked as his heart broke. He was starting to prepare himself for what he thought was going to happen. He was certain that Olivia would want to be with Hanson now that he wants to be apart of Rory's life.

"There is only one person I want to be with... and that's you. What we have won't change. It's just that Hanson wants to visit and be around for Rory. I told him that you are his father too. That he can't and won't be able to change that."

"Are you sure?" Elliot whimpered, as he sank down beside Olivia.

"I love you. Not him."

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